3. part 2

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Things you can do to be happier:

- go to bed earlier
(I usually go to bed at the same time every night at around 10, as it helps me wake up more refreshed.)
- finish things ahead of time
(If you had homework set today, do it now.)
- eat whole-foods
- exercise
(Even if it's a 15 minute workout at home.)
- be present
(Focus and understand.)
- organise
(Sometimes I'll have an 'admin' day where I go through and highlight my notes and sort out all loose sheets of work.)
- listen to music
(There's a lot of angry and sad music playing on the radio these days. Check out my playlist book for more chill and happier songs.)
- think positively
- drink lots of water
- journal
(Take ten minutes before bed to write down everything that's been taking over your brain that day, it'll clear your head I promise.)
- read
- be productive
- eat fresh fruit
- breathe deeply
- go for a walk/bike ride

Author's Note:
Comment things that make you happy and help each other out!
Thanks, as always,
Lily 🌿

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