Splish:Discoveries Await in the Deep

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Boris woke up. He walked outside to watch the sunrise."What a beautiful morn-" Boris' thoughts were interrupted,by a faint splash. He turned around to see Mugman in the water, swimming,his bright blue tail glowing faintly in the morning sunshine. "Enjoying your morning swim?" Boris asked Mugman. "Yeah, I got up at dawn,so I wouldn't wake up Cups." He said yawning. "Where's Bendy?" Mugman asked, splashing Boris. "Bendy's getting dressed,you should go wake up Cups,he might want to swim this morning too." Boris replied, splashing Mugman back. "I'm already here." Cuphead said, making Boris and Mugman turn around. "Morning!" Boris said smiling. "Morning." Cuphead replied, sitting at the the shore of the lake, and slid in with a quiet splash. Cuphead swam back and forth, and tried splashing the surface of the water with his tail, splashing Boris. "Cuphead,why did you splash me!" Boris shouted, laughing. Cuphead looked down at his tail glowing faintly in water."We still have to find the Ink Machine parts. But out of the six parts, three of the parts are under water,so we'll split up into two groups; Cuphead and Mugman will go after the parts underwater, and Boris and I will go after the ones on land. Since all the locations are connected to the lake,we will meet up there."Bendy said. "Okay!" Mugman exclaimed, grabbing Cuphead's hand and together the Cupbros swam up river to find the first of the three Ink Machine parts.
*To Be Continued.*😊

Quest for The Ink Machine: New Abilities=New ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now