Almost All The Parts

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"We have two more Ink Machine parts left to find." Bendy said looking at the map. Bendy pointed to the map. Everyone looked at the map, the locations were drawn in blue. "Bendy, what's blue on the danger scale?" Boris asked."Blue on the danger scale is "Careful, hostile territory." Bendy said, looking at map key. "According to the map, one of the parts is underwater." Mugman,pointing to the dot in the gray zone. "Mug's is right, the gray zone is all bodies of water." Cuphead concluded,pointing to the dot. "We'll meet you guys here." Cuphead said,looking at the map,and looking at yellow dot in front of the black dot. "Hey,Bendy what's that yellow dot?" Mugman asked,looked concerned. " Something's guarding the area where the part is." Boris answered. "It's probably not that big of a deal." Bendy said, not concerned. "Let's go get that part!" Mugman exclaimed, grabbing Cuphead's hand and jumping in the water. Tails glowing, they swam deeper, looking in every trench and cave. "Look! A light!" Mugman swam towards the light. "Wait Mugs! We don't know what's in there!" Cuphead sighed, swimming after his younger brother. Suddenly, Mugs shot out the cave, horror written all over his face. "What is it, Mugs." Cuphead asked, suddenly afraid. "There's a huge angler fish guarding the Ink Machine part!" Mugman said, swimming back to Cuphead. Cuphead's finger glowed as he swam towards the cave. Suddenly, the giant angler fish swam out of the cave, almost eating Cuphead. He swam out of the way. He shot the fish with his laser finger, but that just irritated it. He used charge, and a fiery red blast shot out of his hands, hitting the fish in the eye. The fish bumps into a loose boulder, which falls on its head, killing it. Cuphead swims into the cave, and retrieves the part. The Cupbros swim up to the surface. "We got the part!" Mugman exclaims, giving the part to Bendy. "One more part to go." Bendy says, grinning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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