Sploosh:The Undersea Battle

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The Cupbros were trying to find the second part of the Ink Machine,and they couldn't find it. "Hey Cups, there's a cave, let's explore it." Mugman said,eyes twinkling. "Sure Mugs,who knows, we might find the part." Cuphead replied, starting to swim towards the cave. Inside the cave, was a giant oyster,with the Ink Machine part inside its mouth. "That's a big oyster." Cuphead said, already strategizing a plan to get the Ink Machine part.  Mugman spoke up. "Cuphead, I have a idea! I distract the oyster,you swim into its mouth,grab the part,and try to swim out,got it Cuphead?" Cuphead nodded."Yeah, let's go destroy that oyster." With that said,they charged into the cave. Mugman swam at the oyster and shot at it. While the oyster tried to eat Mugman, Cuphead swam into the oyster's mouth. Instantly, Cuphead was surrounded by darkness. Subconsciously, Cuphead made his tail glow. "Where is the part?It must be under the oyster's pearl!" Cuphead thought as he tried to push the pearl. "This pearl's kinda heavy,but if I push off  the wall of the oyster's mouth, I can push the pearl over!" Cuphead thought as he pushed the pearl over. The pearl rolled over,and Cuphead grabbed the part. The oyster's mouth opened and Cuphead swam out. "I got the part!" Cuphead shouted triumphantly. "Great, let's go!" Mugman exclaimed as they swam to the surface. Boris was standing over the edge of the lake. "You guys got the part?" Boris asked hopefully. "Yep!" Mugman exclaimed. "Let's go meet up with Bendy!" Boris said.
*To Be Continued😉*

Quest for The Ink Machine: New Abilities=New ProblemsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt