10. That Party...

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Hey guys so shout out to havochaox for letting us all know in the last chapter I think it was that wattpad had a power outage which is likely why my story was fucking up so huge thanks for letting me know and letting me breathe. It should be fine now.

In saying that I want to ask you guys something. Do you want me to keep doing two chapters Lachlan one chapter Vik or do you want me to start doing one chapter Lachlan, One chapter Vik, and then one chapter to focus on or even one shot a random characters sub plot that I start to introduce into the story. Each character has their own whether it involves their partner or their channel or life in general, it's up to you guys so let me know :)

Mitch's POV

As I stood out the front of Simon and Josh's place, I felt wrong, disturbed and out of place. I felt like I wasn't going to get anywhere but I needed to let then know how I felt. It wouldn't be fair on Lachlan if he wanted to host a get together thing at our place, which would just cause me to leave the room for a few hours, or I could go and stay with Preston. After a few minutes standing there, I was about to knock on the door before I decided not too. What the hell was I doing? Why was I being the one who was about to apologize for associating myself with Jerome? I'm not the bad guy here and I shouldn't be treated with such disrespect simply because I was dating him, he fucked up, he promised me no alcohol and yet he still abused the substance and fucked the wrong guy. I'm not the bad guy here.

????: "Hey, are you ok?"

I turned to see a dark brown haired guy walking over to me, I think I've seen him hanging around some people but I wouldn't know.

Mitch: "Hi, yeah I'm fine honest, just battling myself internally about what I'm supposed to do right now. It's not the hardest thing in the world to do but still, I feel like shit."

I saw him watch me apologetically, as he grabbed my hand and started leading me down a few doors before he unlocked his place and stepped in, taking a seat on the couch and grabbing the can of soft drink that he handed to me.

????: "You are Jerome's boyfriend right?"

Mitch: "I was, he promised me something but he broke it."

????: "And you were standing out front of Simon and Josh's place. At first I thought you might have been someone else but no, I haven't seen you around. My names Jay, I'm in the same course a ad you are for Gaming but I rather associate myself with my friends rather than those guys."

Mitch: "What do you mean?"

Jay: "My friends? Oh Vik, Elliott, Danny, Jon, Chris Dixon guys like that, and my boyfriend obviously."

Mitch: "I'm happy for you but rather than those guys?"

Jay: "Oh, yeah no the sidemen as they are called, last year there was 7 of them, this year there is only 4, Simon, Josh, Harry and Vik. JJ left to pursue a music career after he was signed. Tobi had to leave to go look after his brother and his family, he still uploads content each day but his family became his priority so he left to go look after them... Then there is that fat cunt of a thing Ethan."

I couldn't help but snicker a little at his accent, Australian like Lachlan, I wonder if he knew him.

Mitch: "What happened with Ethan?"

(God I feel so bad having to make him the bad guy in Mitch's story I'm sorry. But no one else made sense.)

Jay: "Do you want something to eat?"

Mitch: "Don't change the topic."

Jay: "I checked back through security footage at the location with police, I noticed something off about my drink and I think Michael and Jack felt it too, Everyone was having fun and enjoying themselves and having a great time at the end of year party. Jerome was drinking soft drink that he and I grabbed for him, yeah I knew about the no alcohol thing. I was the only one he trusted... And now the only one that talks to him. Anyway Ethan got kicked out of the school and was sent back home for drugging about 13 people at the party. I had to take Jack's beer off him and tell him it tasted off, we stopped drinking at that point and it wasn't until Michael came up to me and complained of his stomach turning that I had a bad feeling. After checking security, I noticed Ethan walking around to a select few people. Your boyfriend being one of them and slipping something into their drink... Likely to just cause a panic rather than any other reason."

So he wasn't drunk, he was drugged?

Mitch: "So Jerome was drugged?"

Jay: "That's what I reckon, no one else noticed anything and even when I took it to the police and to the headmistress it was handled privately, I think he told his friends he had to go back home for the same reason Tobi did. Family matters."

Mitch: "So why didnt Jerome say anything?"

Jay: "Even though he was drinking soft drink, I feel like he probably thought someone spiked his drink with vodka or something strong I don't know. All I know is what I saw and trust me, the hatred may be there, but it wasn't entirely their fault. They still fucked yeah that's bad, but neither Simon nor Jerome could really say yes or no."

Mitch: "Wow this is a lot to take in."

Jay: "Why don't you go and sleep on it?"

Mitch: "I..."

At that moment the door opened up and I saw the rather big guy I had seen around a few times, he was loud but he seemed OK.

Michael: "Hey Mitch are you ok?"

Mitch: "Yeah I uh, I don't know I feel funny. Not like I've been drugged or anything."

I was angry, I was so angry, but mainly at myself for being so hard on him. He had no idea what happened.

Mitch: "Did he keep drinking?"

Jay: "It was the last of his drink so yeah he said it tasted funny and didn't want anymore. But as I said, it was the last of it so he likely ended up swallowing the equivalent of a full tablet or pill of whatever the hell Ethan slipped in his drink, he was pretty out of it."

I sat there trying to wrap my head around it, so he stopped drinking but felt the full effects... How does that even work, then again a small pill thing wouldn't be noticeable of you swallowed the last of a drink.

Michael: "Mitch will you be staying long? I'm going to be making some lunch if you like?"

Mitch: "No it's OK, I have some things I need to do and sort out. Look Jay it's not that I don't believe you it's just, I don't know it's a lot to take in, and it's majorly convenient that you tell me now."

Jay: "Well I've tried talking to you before but you keep walking off on us, or anyone that comes near you, you can't keep running from this shit."

Mitch: "I'm not running in trying to figure shit out, seriously if your boyfriend said be would stop drinking and then for all intents and purposes everyone thinks be got massively drunk and fucked someone wouldn't you be angry as well?"

Jay: "I would be devastated, no lies there. But trust me, Punishment has already been dished out. I tried to tell them but they wouldn't listen to me. Who would right? I'm just a little fly on the walk to everyone here. I mean Lachlan fucking arrived this year and I've been trying to avoid that shit for the entire time."

Mitch: "Why are you avoiding him?"

Jay: "That's not for you to worry about."

Mitch: "Right well I have shit to do and people to talk to. Next time something like this happens, don't fucking wait till the next year to tell someone, try forcing them to listen to you."

Michael: "He told you what happened and that shit had already been done about it in a private matter, I'm sorry if you personally don't think justice had been served simply because your clearly not perfect boyfriend is still moping around like a lost lion thinking he betrayed your trust but last I checked he's about as upset as you think he is, Now I'd suggest you leave Mitch."

Mitch: "Don't try and play little Mr perfect you piece of shit. I don't fucking believe a word either of you would say about anything."

I walked out the door and closed it behind me before heading back to my room, letting myself in and taking a shower before sitting down in the lounge room with my laptop on the desk in front of the couch that Lachlan and I had moved when it arrived. I needed to drown myself out of this and just focus on something else. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Aside from maybe talk to Jerome, would he even believe me at this point? I didn't even look up as the door opened, with Lachlan walking in and I guess he was surprised to see me, as he stopped in his tracks.

Mitch: "Hey Lachy."

I think I need to talk to Jerome.

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