Chapter 4

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Krist was lazily strolling the hospital's hall. His white pretty face was in deep frown.

"Hi Kris," suddenly someone hit his shoulder. "Gosh! What were you thinking just before? I've been calling you for ages!" it's Pha, his genius friend.

They were in same age even though Pha had already been a doctor for a while. The genius prodigy kid started his medical school at the age of 14 and while normal medical students need at least 7 years, Pha could finished in only 4 years.

Funny thing was, their first meeting was not happened at the medical school nor hospital. It's happened on the club. As a very young age doctor, it was so hard for Pha to make friends, moreover found a boyfriend. Yes, he was gay. This also the thing that made it more complicated.

His prestigious family was the biggest shareholder of this hospital with his father as the Chairman. As the successor of his father, people was always judging him. When he was success, they said it was because his father's name. But if he was fail, they would laugh at him and said it was predictable. Being a gay made thing more complicated as people also judge his family for his sex orientation. Even though his parent never bothered with it and always supported whoever he chose, he didn't want to put his family in difficult situation.

So one day, after kept on listening that there's a new hip club in town, he decided to pay a visit.

The club suited his style as it was private and exclusive. Everything could be kept anonymously with its employees and guests were bound with NDA. Phana has found his new heaven. Being a regular, Pha had a favorite escort and dancer. His favorite escort was someone calls Yo. A cute little boy whose contiguous laugh sounded like bells. However, the petite man had a sailor's mouth which cursing in regular basis. Being with him was always fun. Pha loved every second of it.

His other favorite dancer was someone called the KitCat. Actually it's Yo who was introduced them. The kid is a good friend to the dancer. So one day when KitCat was performing, knowing that Pha was a doctor, Yo slipped of tongue and told him that the dancer was also a medical school student.

With his photographic memory, it won't take long for him to recognize Krist as one of his student. So he cornered the dancer and confronted him. Krist hadn't have any choice but disclosed his alter ego. Phana was a very perceptive people, he understood that not everyone was borne with silver spoon. Knowing how hard the dancer had to divide his time between attending school, studying and earning money, Pha decided to help the dancer with his study. He also offered some money to help the dancer, but Krist had refused. He was glad that someone like Pha be friend with him. Now together with Yo, they became a very close friends.

"So what you're thinking before? Your frowns are so deep. Also what's in your hand?" Pha pointed the files in Krist's hand.

"Oh this? Doctor Oak asked me to help him with this report. Something about patient's suicide attempt, I believe." Krist gave his innocent smiles to Pha.

"That weasel!" Pha was so tempted to just flunk the resident doctor. "He should prepare the report by himself. You cannot help him, Krist."

"Why? I prepared a lot of his reports, you know. It's good for me as a practice before my own rotation on the next term," Krist just smiled.

"Do you know who gave him the task?"



"Ahhh... that's why he kept on telling me to do my best. By the way, why did you give me an A for my midterm? It's an A plus work, you know!" Krist teased his friend.

"Oh why? Very confident are we? It is because I am your friend, you've gotten an A. If it isn't me, it should be a B plus or even a B!" Pha teased back.

"Oh please... you don't know how to give marks!" Krist laughed.

"Whatever! Just hand me the report. I will personally deliver it to Doctor Oak!" Pha's sharp eyes were undeniable. He was so considering to report Oak to the school's interdisciplinary board as this was not the first time he found out a student prepared Oak's report.

Krists couldn't do anything other than handed the report. To be honest, Oak's requests were more and more ridiculous lately. Since he was still in year 3 of medical school, he was afraid that what he wrote on that report was wrong. Therefore, while preparing Oak's reports, Krist did a very thorough research and put all that he found in the report. This resulting to the best reports that Oak could hand of to his teacher. The teachers didn't know about Krist's involvement, and thought the report was Oak hard work and gave him the highest score for his reports.

"So the suicidal patient, is it yours?" Krist asked.

"Actually, he is Beam's patient. Beam is ready to do the surgery. However, since I was the one taking care of him when he was submitted, they called me every time he tried to suicide." Pha sighed.

"He is in VVIP room right? So he must be rich. I don't understand you, rich people. How come you think that life is so unuseful and want to end it while you have everything in your plate?" Krist frowned.

"People has their own problem, Krist. You can't judge people depression." Pha patiently explained.

"By the way, do you want to see him?" Pha suddenly gave a very suspicious smile. "You know him." Pha smiled wider.


"C'mon, I show you." Pha pull Krist's hand and took the boy to Singto's room.

"Singto? Your suicidal patient is Singto Ruangroj?" Krist couldn't believe his eyes. "But how? He always looks so happy. So content with his life."

"This is why I told you before, you cannot judge people depression. It is a common opinion that people with depression will look sad all the time, but some people can totally fake it. They can smile and laugh; they can act like everyone else, even while they are in excruciating emotional pain." Pha explained.

"So, do you want to meet him?" Pha asked again. "I know you are his favorite dancer." Pha smiled.

"What?" Krist couldn't believe his ears.

"Ah please, you are the best dancer Bright can have. You are everyone's favorite. Please Krist, talk to him. You don't need to be KitCat if you don't want. You just need to talk to him. Please consider, ok? I need to leave you now." With that, Pha withdrew and left Krist alone.

"Who is that? Hallo? Is somebody there?" suddenly Singto turned his gaze to the door.

Krist was shocked and couldn't say anything. His tongue felt numb.

"Hi baby," a beautiful lady in very expensive attires showed from nowhere and approached Singto.

Krist felt like an intruder so he turned and left the room, but with the corner of his eyes, he caught the lady's kissing Singto's cheek.

-to be continued-

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