Chapter Thirty One: Where have you been?

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The bedroom is empty.

The bed is perfectly made without a single crease on it. If everything had gone according to plan, we would have been lying here together, maybe even making love. It's becoming our favorite thing.

Everything is exactly where he left it. This is the second day he hasn't slept in the Manor.

"Where are you Tony?" I wondered out loud.

I called him for the umpteenth time and all I got is a bloody voice mail. "You have reached Marc, you know what to do." The recorded message played into my ear making me irritable.

"Marc Anthony I'm getting worried. Get your bloody ass home!"

I hanged up, banging my phone repeatedly against his dresser. I suddenly stopped when I heard the door creak.

"What a bad temper we have!" A woman's voice caught my attention. You must be Bea."

She has a pair of cold silver eyes and very long black hair.

A soft smile made her a little more appealing than intimidating. Upon a closer look, I realized she is really familiar.

"You must be Naila."

She kissed Marc Anthony. I still replay that kiss in my head.

"The one and only." She confirmed my suspicion. "Where's Tony?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him for two days."

"Two days? Have you called him?"

I lifted my broken phone sighing with annoyance. "His phone is off."

She entered the room her eyes darting about. She stopped by a photograph frame and seemed nostalgic. It is a picture of Tony, Naila and a man I assume was their older brother.

"It's such a pity how broken this family has always been. It seems Tony has also inherited the bachelor plague."

"What do you mean?"

"He cancelled the wedding."

"Because I wasn't ready."

I was a mental case after running over Dani and then Bruce abducted me. Tony is postponing the wedding out of concern for me.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"We were standing right here arguing about the wedding and he gave me his black card, we made a dinner reservation right before he left."

I purposely left out the part where he threatened to take away what he had given if I didn't obey him.

"Tony isn't a runner." She stopped pacing and came a little closer. "Something isn't right. Let's go to the office. Maybe he's there."

"I called repeatedly but his assistant keeps saying he's unavailable. Maybe he just needs space. Maybe the wedding is freaking him out."

"I know my brother and when he needs space, he pushes people away, he doesn't run. Let's go to the office. I'm sure we will find him."

It was sometime past noon when we decided to go out. Naila is a lot like Tony. She is intimidating but humorous at the same time. She is also very talkative and opinionated.

"Tony stood me up last night."

"That's unlike him. He's obsessed with you." She laughed as we headed to the large garage with over a dozen cars.

"I'm trying my best to stay positive hoping he's swamped with work or something of the sort and that he isn't cheating on me."

"Tony is as loyal as a puppy. He wouldn't cheat unless you two have an open relationship."

The Bellingerre Series Book #1: The Billionaire & The Trophy Wife Where stories live. Discover now