Chapter thirty three: Empty

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Winter is at its peak. Everything that was once green is covered in a thick white blanket of snow. In any other circumstance I would be in Aspen or in the Swiss Alps skiing. I love the Swiss Alps. Snow boarding is my favorite thing to do there.

With Bea only being out of the hospital for two weeks now, it would be unfair to drag her along on vacation. A stupid grin took my lips hostage when I remembered the doctor telling me she is pregnant. I even hugged the doctor. Since that moment I can't tear my eyes from her stomach. It pleases me that she is pregnant.

Hope almost took all of that away. In her attempt to escape, she was caught right outside the house.

"Marc Anthony."

My grin faded instantly when I remembered why I am out in the chilly winter morning.

"Bruce." I acknowledged him. "What do you want?"

I wonder if Bea knew she was pregnant when Bruce almost killed her.

"Can I sit down?" He gestured to the empty spot beside me on the bench facing an old play set.

We are in the park. The very park I used to play in when I was a wee lad. I would like to bring Scott and the new baby once he is born. I want another son. I wouldn't know how to raise a daughter. I'd probably be easy on her and spoil her a lot.

I grumbled an agreement.

"How is Bea?"

"At home recovering."

I am speaking to him because Nick has decided to play mediator. Nick should be here but then again he isn't Cole. He orders peace and won't take any other results. This is his best friend and I am his brother.

"I'll make this brief."

"Good. Because I won't lie to you. Your presence is irritating."

Bruce threw me an unbelievably dirty look. If he expects me to be polite and courteous he has another thing coming.

"I'm sorry for taking Bea."

I turned suddenly eyeballing him like he us some sort of an alien. I waited for him to say more but nothing came.

"That's all?"

He shrugged.

He shrugged.

"You pointed a gun at her and fired the damn thing. You had every intention of killing her!" I lost it, standing up quickly. "I love her Bruce! You knew that and you still tried to hurt her."

I have my fists balled, fighting to restrain myself from punching a hole in his face.

"She killed my fiancé!" He got fired up as well. "I was going to marry Dani. We were going to be happy and Bea took that from me. Don't expect me to feel remorseful for having an urge to dent your heart too." I have a nasty retort to hull back but I am not entirely insensitive. There is so much pain in his eyes. "Imagine life without Bea and tell me how you think I'm feeling Tony. Every day is hellish. I am living an endless nightmare filled with pain."

Bruce isn't always expressive. For him to actually open up like this moves me to empathize with him.

"I'm sorry about your girlfriend-"

"Fiancée." He corrected me fiercely.

"I'm sorry about Dani. I really am but as you would have protected her, I will also protect Bea to the ends of the earth. Bruce we've been friends for years but come after my woman again and we won't just be talking."

"You don't have to worry. I'm re-enlisting with the army. I'll deploy in a few days."

"This is so typical of you!" I remarked waving my hand slightly. "You run off to the army every time things get difficult. You should help us look for Cole. He's missing!"

The Bellingerre Series Book #1: The Billionaire & The Trophy Wife Where stories live. Discover now