Chapter Thirty Seven: I'm not a hero

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An hour before the gunshots...
Bea's POV
My attempts to pick the lock have failed.

I went back to my bed feeling sick to my stomach. I have not been experiencing any morning sickness but today I am. I grabbed a rusty old bucket and threw up in it.

After I was done I fell back on the bed cursing myself for ever going outside the hotel and giving Blair the light of day.

In my self doubt the door turned and alas! Lawrence came in carrying a bag. I know I can easily sway him. If he is alone, then I will do it before Blair shows up and makes it impossible.


"Good morning Bea. Did you sleep well?"

"Did I sleep well? This is not my bed! I'm in the middle of nowhere alone and scared after you abducted me! Do you think I slept well?"

"I'm sorry." He apologized closing the door. "It must be difficult not living in the comforts Marc Anthony has offered. You must miss the king sized beds, the Egyptian cotton sheets, the-"

"Shut up!" I blurted out. "This had nothing to do with wealth. This has a lot to do with you colluding with my sister to take me away from the man I love!"

He set the brown bag down unpacking some breakfast. He then came up to me holding my face in his hands.

"He's brainwashed you. You don't love him, you love me."

"Are you bloody bonkers?" I asked. "I love Marc Anthony. What is Blair putting into your head?"

He held out my bruised arms.

"He hurts you. It's plain to see."

I incurred those bruises when Bruce took me captive. A few more when I fought with Hope.

"He has never laid his hands on me. Lawrence, please stop this. If Tony finds out-"

"He won't!" Blair announced it. "I made sure by making him believe you left with Lawrence."

I felt an immense amount of rage surging through me. I wanted to attack and beat the stupidity out of her but touching my belly, I calmed myself down. I csnt afford physical confrontation anymore; at least not while I am pregnant. It is important that my baby's safety comes first.

"You are pregnant." Lawrence finally noted the obvious baby bump showing in the evening gown I wore to the award ceremony.

I took his hand placing it over the bump and looked into his eyes. Lawrence is a reasonable man. Blair is irrational. If anything I have a shot at convincing him to play on my team than Blair.

"I am. I need you to keep us safe. My baby and I. Blair wants to hurt us. Please don't let that happen." I pleaded omitting Marc Anthony from the conversation.

"Oh come on!" Blair threw a dramatic tantrum waving her hands in the air. "Don't let her change our plans."

"Does Tony know?" He asked ignoring my melodramatic sister.

"Yes. Yes he does. Do you think he'll hurt me knowing his child is inside me?"

"No. No. Bea I'm so sorry. Blair said-"

"Step away from the snake!" She shoved Lawrence away from me. "She's manipulating you. Do you see what time with Tony has done to her? She's become so manipulative!"

"You didn't tell me she was expecting a child." Lawrence spoke up. "We could have endangered the baby!"

"That thing inside her doesn't deserve to live."

The Bellingerre Series Book #1: The Billionaire & The Trophy Wife Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ