Chapter Thirty Six: Gun shot

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Marc Anthony's POV
"Where the bloody hell is she?" I lost my patience kicking the console table in an effort to let out my frustration.

Everything on it fell off including a Chinese antique vase worth over two million. We watched it breaking into pieces. My father gave me a displeasing look. The vase was a gift from a Chinese ambassador who was his old friend.

"Do you want to burn down the manor while you're at it?"

"I'm sorry." I apologized to him. "I'll get you another."

"Bea got a note from you asking her to meet you." My mother explained. "We thought she was with you so we came straight home."

"Well she's not with me and I didn't write her a bloody note! If I want to see my fiancée I will show up not send her some stupid note. What are we? Five?"

My parents were surprised by my outburst. Nick didn't say a word and it took me a moment to still my rage. Bea is pregnant and she can't afford to wander off on her own. She is prone to causing trouble and leaving me a mess to clean up.

"I need her." I mumbled. "Where is she? Who gave her the bloody note?"

"I did sir." Simon finally spoke up. "A waiter handed it to me. I presented it to her. I had no idea-"

"That I didn't write it?"

"Sir, I apologize."

"It doesn't help if you apologize. Let's just find her." My mom insisted. "Have you tried calling her?"

I held up Bea's phone along with her purse.

"Dio!" She mattered. "I'll call her mother and find out if she could have gone home. Women tend to that."

She left to make the phone call. I called Bea's sister. As much as they aren't speaking, I figure she would have an idea.

Bea's POV
I woke up on a narrow lumpy bed. After adjusting my gaze to the morning light, my surroundings came to view.

It is a wooden cabin. There is one door with a small glass frame at the center and a small window too narrow for me to fit through.

Other than that there isn't much going on.

Holding the side of my aching head, I sat up gradually vividly recalling Lawrence drugging me.

"Bloody prick." I mattered shoving the dusty blanket aside.

I got off the bed and staggered to the window. I rubbed my palm over it and gazed at nothing but trees stretched out as far as the eyes can see.

I tried the door fumbling with the lock but that was a dead end too. I pushed back my hair in frustration wondering how crazy Tony must be feeling. I also thought about how desperate Lawrence and Blair have grown to result to abduction.

It was when I ran my fingers through my hair for the third time that I realized I have bobby pins in there. Pulling one out, I wore the biggest smile. I started to pick the lock hoping that I can get lucky enough to unlock the door.

Blair's POV
"Your sister is missing. I just got a call from Marc Anthony's mother. She's not a manor!" My mother shrieked in horror.

She isn't really worried about Bea. She is just worried that her chance to be linked into a billionaire family stands to be ruined.

"I would love to indulge you mother but Marc Anthony is calling me." I beamed, stepping away from earshot to relate my sympathies. "Tony?"

"Blair I'll cut to the chase. Where's Bea?"

The Bellingerre Series Book #1: The Billionaire & The Trophy Wife Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora