Dear Ma

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I honestly don't know where to start. Your such an incredible woman, the strongest I know. You carried the 5 of us in your stomach one by one. Through calamity and catastrophe. You didn't let any tribulations get in your way. Your patience is an effortless garden blooming flowers through all four seasons. I know for a fact, that god built you a home in paradise. You've survived everything god sent your way. You don't sleep until all your children are safe. You don't eat until your children have eaten. I remember when I was younger, you neglected to buy a dress for Eid. But you made sure your kids were dresses in brand new clothes and expensive jewelry. Your tears to me are like an explosive volcano to mundanes. I remember you never shedding a tear, sometimes I'd cry for you. You really are the epitome of femininity. You deserve to be among the woman that have conquered the world. You've handled our stubbornness and uplifted our crimes. You handled everything effortlessly, I could swear your flawless touch left flowers behind. You never neglected us or turned your back on us. You love with all of you and you never forget us. You made us your happily ever after and for that I feel special. You make me feel empowered to never give up on me. To never give up on anything that comes in my way. You've taught me to see the beauty in everything and everyone, otherwise I'd have to face a reality so harsh non of us would survive. You've planted verses of the holy book in each of our palms, and memorized the gaps between our tears just in case we get lost. Your more than a Wonder Woman. Your stronger than a super woman. Your my mother. I'm thankful for everything that you are and I hope that one day, you'll find someone other than us, who will kiss all of your scars away. If I could thank god for one thing, I would thank him for you. So thank you god, for giving us one of the best women in history and giving us the pleasure of calling her mom. I love you.

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