Used to it

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I'm used to it
The pain
The betrayal
I'm used to all of it

I'm used to befriending the crazies
Without realizing why they're the crazy
Im used to people wanting to change me
But never themselves
I'm used to wanting to change people
Explaining the importance of self solitude

But who am I kidding
I'm used to being the odd one out
The ugly duckling
The overlooked plain Jane
The undermined dandelion

I'm used to them forgetting
I'm used to their betraying
I'm used to all the bad and never the good
I get the former more than the latter

I'm used to falling for people that are
Way out of my league
It's like my morning freshly brewed coffee
I know it'll hurt me
But I keep taking sips

Can you blame me
I'm used to the abuse
The tears and
The heartbreak

I'm so used to it all
So much so that if I don't receive it
My day feels different
My day feels accomplished
Then comes all the hoping
Hoping that everyday I can live
without experiencing all the bad that I'm so used to

But you know what they say about hope
It breeds eternal misery
It's okay though
I'll get used to the eternal misery

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