Normal people

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Normal people find it hard to let go of their prized possessions and
Their vintage antiquities
Normal people think before they act
Normal people think for themselves
Normal people don't take others for granted
And normal people don't misplace the victim for what one would consider a foe

But you.
Your not like normal people
I guess that's why I let you in all those years ago
Yet you threw away ten years of friendship like it was nothing to you
You threw away your prized possession and your vintage antiquities in one breath
You weren't even doing it for you
But on behalf of someone else's needs
You took my love for granted
And titled me as the person that brought you down and didn't support you
You took the word of the person that placed negative people in your life over the person that's fought your battles more than once

Your not like normal people
It was hard you know
Letting you in
I wasn't half the person I am now

To be fair I'm not like Normal people either
While your the worst kind
I'm the best kind of not like normal people

I'm a collection of paradoxes
I'm shy and out going
I'm too nervous yet always welcoming
I'm always happy and always sad
I overthink things sometimes
I don't
I just do it
Like today
When I finally decided to let you go

I finally saw you for what you truly are
Your not a leader
You're a follower
You don't think for yourself
You let others think for you
You don't make your own choices
Or stand up for what you want
You don't get pretty for you
You don't even
eat for you

I hope that one day you find your own voice
I hope that one day you realize that you don't need everyone's approval
I hope that you realize that the reason I did everything for you was because I love me
I loved me enough for the both of us

I hope that one day
you'll understand that the reason you pushed me away was because loving yourself was foreign to you
I hope that one day when you see me doing big things
You'll realize that you could have too
If only you hadn't run away from it
I guess I should thank you
Thank you for making me realize that even though I was your first run with friendship
You are far from being my last

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