Under The Influence

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Lately I've been thinking a lot about you
Maybe because I've been feeling messed up
The kind of messed up I was....
When I was with you
I find myself missing everything about you
Well.. who you used to be, i guess
I don't really recognize this person you are now
I really wish I was enough to keep you sober.
But I guess you loved your high more.
Remember the first time you asked me to take you back.. split second you went quite.
Turns out you were just in the clouds
As twisted as it may seem it made me happy
You thought of me,
When your weren't supposed to
And that was our routine
You fought with your lover
Then inhaled the trees
Your mind takes you to a simpler time
So you hit me up..
Tell me how you wanna change
Leave me speechless each time
Wondering if you mean it this time
I feel guilty btw
Cuz I let poisonous people come between us
I loved you desperately.
But I feared hurt.
I'd do it again..
Stay with you through your high..
I'm more open to pain now
It's the one thing that no one can take from me
When you leave, I won't shed any tears
I'll commemorate your absence
Then pray for another chance with you
I'd fall back into our routine with you any day
And if we can't..
And this is the end..
Then it's ok, but I'll still pray.

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