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My whole life
Everyone I've ever learned anything from
Has taught me to be patient
Patience is a virtue they say
God loves those who are patient they say

I like to think I'm a patient person
I've know struggle
I've tasted blood
I've cried and begged for death
I'm still here so I like to think
it was because of patience

But I don't wanna be patient anymore
I don't want to keep waiting for
People to love me back
I don't wanna be on your agenda
I'll be the last person you check off
I'll be at the very end of your roster

I don't wanna be your plan b or c or d
I don't wanna be your last good card
I don't wanna be the one you choose when everyone's gone

I used to think that love took time
Like fine wine aging in the attic
I realize now that
I was wrong
I was just afraid of love

But so were you
That's why you sold me out
Because of your insecurities
And your fear of loosing me
So you cheated first
waited for me to put 2 and 2
So that I would be the one leaving
So that it would be less pain for you
You felt worthless
Like you didn't deserve me
And pretended like you had stomped on my pride
When it was you who stomped on your own pride

I never thought that you would go that far
Hearts are wild creatures
That's why our ribs are cages
But it's like the saying goes
Every man has a price he will willingly accept
Even for what he is hoping never to sell

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