Chapter 1

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Hey guys! New book today!! I'm soooo excited to write this!!!
Alright then enjoy!!


Your POV

'Huh who might that be?' I thought to myself. I checked the clock and it's 9:00 o'clock at night. "That's weird.." I said in a low voice. I grabbed a weapon (like a pan) from the kitchen, before going to the door to check who it is.


"Holy shit!!" I silently-screamed. I checked on the peephole (A/n note: if you don't know what's that search it up) and there's was nothing. So I opened the door widely and checked around.


I heard something where my feet are and I looked down. 'It was a basket?' "What is that?" I picked up the basket and it was quite heavy. "Meow~"

I.Heard.A.Cat. 'Omg I need to see what's inside of this basket' I thought. I immediately close the door and ran to my room. I gently placed the basket on my bed. "Alright let's see what's inside of here.." I took off the thin blanket that was covering the basket.

AND THEN SOMETHING THAT I WOULD NEVER THOUGHT THAT WILL DISAPPOINT ME VERY MUCH WAS!! There's was another thin blanket. 'I really hate when someone wraps things two times. Like I'm wasting so much time.' I thought I took off the other blanket and there was.... "ANIMALS!?!"

I was soooo suprised that I screamed. 'Good thing that I live alone, because if I had a roommate, my roommate will totally hate me. I'm sometimes a loud person. I depends.

"Woof~" oops I woke up the animals. YES I SAID THE ANIMALS WITH THE LETTER 'S' AT THE END. They were 7 different animals in this kinda huge basket. "Hello~" I grabbed the cat, and started petting him. He or she gave me a purr. "Ohhhh you are sooo cuteeeee!!"

I grabbed all the animals one by one off the basket and placed them in my huge ass bed. "Woof~" "Oh! Hello little guy~... or girl" I laughed awkwardly at the end. "Ummm what should I do with you guys or girls..?" I haven't checked if they were boys or girls. Or even both.

"Hmmmm let me first check if you are a guy or a girl" I said. Then they all got away from me covering their 'spot' "Ohhh c'mon guys or girls I need to see what gender are you" "Alright let me check you first" I grabbed the bunny, the bunny tried to escape but I tried and calm him down. It didn't really work but I saw what gender it is.

"Oh! Your a guy!" I put him down and grabbed the next animal. "Your next!" I grabbed the puppy with white fur. And it barked at me. "Yah! I want to see what gender you are!" I then tickled the puppy and the little puppy rolled over so I saw the 'spot'. "Oh! Your a guy too!" I saw a slightly pink on his cheeks. "Why are your cheeks red?" I asked the little guy. He just went and hide behind the bunny.

20 Minute Time Skip~

"Alright! Done!" I said tiredly. "That's weird that all of you are guys... and no girls.." I said while laying in bed with them around me... staring at me. "Stop staringgggg it's creepy" I stood up and went to get some of my clothes to take a quick shower. I came back and saw all of the little guys sitting there... STILL STARING AT ME.

"Ok guys Ima take a quick shower. I'll be right back" I went to the bathroom (the one inside of your room. You have three bathrooms.) I started the shower then I heard scratching. "Oh no.. please don't" I tried to ignored it. I took all of my clothes off and started to take a shower.

I have so many questions on my mind now.. like who gave me those poor little guys. Like who would leave them.. they all are soooooo cuteeeeee. I turned off the water and I still heard scratching. "Oh lord.." I said I put on my pajamas. Which is some short shorts and a oversized t-shirt.

I came out of the bathroom and saw all of them sitting there waiting for me. "Sorry that I took long.. oh! Wait, you must be hungry. I don't have food for all of you. You guys are all different types of don't different animals eat different foods?"

"You know what I'll give you water and milk and then I'll give you guys ummm human food just for today??"

"Alright then! Let's go to the kitchen" they all followed me. I grabbed two bowls. One for water and one for milk I filled them in and gave it to the little guys. "What should I give you to eat.. hmmmm. Oh! I have carrots, I have tuna, I ha-" all the animals went to my fridge and picked their own foods. That's weird..

"Ok thennnn you guys are eating all of my favorite food but it's fine!" I said. GROWLLL I held onto my stomach. "I'm hungryyyy... Ima order pizza for myself. Your guys already ate." I checked on the clock and it's 11:00 o'clock. 'Are they open at this hour?' I thought.

"Oh well let me try and call" I grabbed my phone from my room. I came back to the living room and dialed my favorite pizza place. "Hello this is Pizzeria, what can I get for you." The guy on the phone said. "Oh! Hi, can I get a large cheese pizza, and then can I get some brownies, and lastly can I get a Pepsi. That's all. And it's a order."

'Good thing that they are still open'

"Alright ma'am can I have your address?" "Yes it's XXXXXXXX." "Thank you ma'am. Your order will be at your place about 10 minutes." "Thank you sir!" I hanged up. "OMG!! I totally forgot about you guys" the little animals almost gave me a heart attack. They were just standing there on my coffee table. Waiting for me to end the call.

"Sorryyyy.. I seriously forgot about you guys... come here" I gestured them to come to me and let them sit on my lap. They all went to me some layed on my lap and some on my stomach. We were all laying there comfortably watching some tv. Until I heard the door bell ringed.

"YESSSS MY FOOD IS HERE!!" I moved all the animals away from me to go to the door to get my food. "Hello, is this Kim Ha Ra?" "Yup! That's me!" "Ok the total will be $22.34" "Here you go. Thank you!! Goodbye!!" I closed the door and brought all the food to the kitchen.

All the animals came to the kitchen and jumped on the table waiting to eat. "Yah! Your guys already ate" whining. They started to whine. "Ok, ok, I'll give you some."

1 Hour Time Skip~

I was soooo ready for bed. But I don't know where to put the little guys to sleep. "You know what you guys are sleeping with me" I said we all went to my room and got comfortable. I then drifted off to dreamland.


I really have to admit that this chapter is boring. I'm so sorry, I'll try and make the next chapter better. Oh! And on this chapter it's just your POV. But on the next chapter there's going to be some members POV's.

Alright then goodbye!!

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