29. what they do when you cry

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what they do when you cry


— Peter tells you about how many times he had fallen over and tripped over

— He also tells you about his embarrassing past

— And he buys you a giant teddy bear


— He buys you all your favorite foods and beverages

— He buys you all the chocolate and sweets you could possibly want

— watches Titanic and cries with you

— bOyFrIeNd mAtErIaL


— She wipes your tears and sings to you

— you end up falling asleep

— when you wake up you see your favorite breakfast on a moveable table and Susan reading a book at the end of your bed

— you both eat breakfast at


— she takes you to the garden

— she picks up a caterpillar from a leaf and put one on your finger

— Later she takes you to an outside room full of beautiful butterflies

— she hugs you a lot


— He finds your favorite movie and watches it with you

— you two end up having a movie marathon together

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