edmund - I'll be back soon <3

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i've decided to make some imagines so if you see '<3' it's an imagine/oneshot

872 words

Take's place during the war if the white witch and the narnians


You take out your bow and arrow. Shooting the soldiers of the white witches army, not miss my one shot. Realising you didn't have anymore arrows you grabbed your dagger from your belt and went to collect the arrows you used to kill the soldiers.

You stabbed and killed the ones that got in your way and you heard a sound of a metal sword clashing against armour.


Without hesitation you run to Edmund and the rest of the Pevensie' seeing the three of them hovering over Edmund. Sobs escaping Lucy's lips.

Tears threaten to escape your eyelids as you angrily stare at the white witch. Taking the sword that was by your feet, swinging it at her.

Memories of You and Edmund were the only things you were focused on.

"I fancy you, (Y/n)." Edmund admits, blushing.

"I.. I fancy you too Edmund."

Immediately, a smile creeps onto his face "After this war we could be together," His hand goes over yours, holding it gently.
"As partners." He finished.

"And as individuals. Together." You tease with a smile.

Edmund smiled at you. His chocolate brown eyes keeping eye-contact with yours.
"Individuals together. Sounds like a plan."

You let out a small giggle and kiss his cheek.
His cheeks turn into a light blush colour and you let out another giggle.

Blinking your eyes, tears fall to your cheeks.
"You killed him!" You scream at her.
Slinging and slinging your sword at her.

"Stop, child!"

You ignore her screams and let all your anger buried deep inside you out. "You have no idea how much he means to me!"

"It's not like you know anything about love anyways! You are a cold hearted, unkind, disgusting woman! And you shall pay!" Screaming the last part. With one last him she falls to the ground. Not completely lifeless but enough.

You fall to your knees. Letting your sadness get the best of you, you cry.
"(Y/n).." You hear Lucy whisper. You get up and walk to her, bringing her into a hug.

Lucy seems to be searching for something on her belt until she finds it. It was a potion bottle.
She knees down by Edmund and let's a single drop drop into Edmunds mouth. Few seconds later, you hear someone take a deep breath. Edmund.

"Ed, When will you ever learn to do as you're told!?" Peter yells with a smile in his face.

Edmund smiles and hugs his brother and sisters. His gaze goes to you. "(Y/n).. I-"

You bring your lips to his. Giving him a passionate kiss, cutting him off.

You both turn away and blush.
"Ooo! Edmund has a girlfriend!" Peter teases.

"Shut- actually, don't shut up. It's good to have a girlfriend before your older brother." Edmund smirks at Peter.

"That is true." Susan admits, laughing at the both of them.

"I love you guys." You tell them.

"Aww." Lucy aws and brings everyone into a hug.

(7 years later)

You sat at the dining table eating your pancakes and bacon.
And then you hear Edmund walk in. All dressed and well. "Morning baby." He says and kisses your cheek.

"Good morning, Edmund." You smile and continue eating.

Edmund sits across the table from you.
"Peter, Susan, Lucy and I are going hunting soon. We're going after a white stang."

"Don't kill it."

"I know. It's a wild animal. We're just bring it back to the kingdom. We aren't going to kill it."
Edmund reassures you. Smiling.

About half an hour if you two talking Lucy walks in and tells Edmund they're leaving now.

Both you and Edmund get up and bring each other into a hug. Enjoying each other's embrace. Edmund whispers an "I love you."
And kisses your forehead.

"I love you too, Ed." You kiss him in a passionate way before smiling.
Edmund starts to walk backwards and keeps his hand in yours until he is too far away.

"I'll be back soon."

Lucy slaps his arm, laughing. "You'll see her in a few hours not a thousand years, Ed."

Little did she know she was wrong.
Later it was getting dark and the Pevensie's should have been back hours ago.

"Miss (Y/n). The Pevensie's should have been back three hours ago. Everyone is worried something happened to them. Would you like us to set up a search for them?" A narnian guard asks you.

"Yes. Yes, please." You answer.

As soon as the last word escaped your lips a canon hit the castle. You ran outside and grabbed your sword, ready for battle.

All the narnians were fighting the mysterious attackers. But there were to many of them.
Too many for the narnians to beat.

"Keep— Keep fighting! We cannot die like this!"

Everyone kept fighting but many soldiers and guards dropped dead. You felt an explosion going off near you and your body hit a boulder from the impact. Darkness surrounded your world as you thought of the one thing you wanted right then and there. Edmund. Edmund Pevensie.

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