peter - wardrobe <3

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takes place when the Pevensie's enter the wardrobe into narnia.

523 words

You were walking around narnia. Enjoying the cold and snow. But then, you heard a voice. And another. And another. And another.
In total there were four voices. Two you believed belonged to females and the others, males.

You pulled your hood up and grabbed your dagger from your belt and hid behind a tree.

"But that's a girls coat!" The younger male said.

Your head tilted so you could see the people who were talking. Who knows? They probably could be animals.

"I know." You saw a blond boy say. He seemed to be fifteen or older, but he was definitely around your own age.

Your godfather, Aslan always told you to mark trees with your dagger, sword, spear etc..
So if they're attackers you would know were the event happened.

You raised the dagger so it was above your torso by your head and craved your initials into the tree bark. But as you were cutting down you cut your thumb and left a deep cut.

"Shit!" You winced in pain, bringing your thumb to your mouth and sucking the blood. And took a corner of your cloak and wrapped it around your cut for now.

It seemed to attract the others attention.
"Who's there?"

You panicked. And when you panicked you run. You ran through the forest when someone tackled you from behind.
You both rolled over but stopped.
You were on bottom and the blond boy was hovering over you.

He stared into your eyes.
You grabbed snow and threw it in his face. "Get off of me!"

He jumped in pain and you swiftly grabbed your sword and poured it at him.
He was now standing up and put his hands up in surrender. "Please. We don't mean any trouble."

"I've heard that plenty of times before and all lies. How are you four any different?" You glare at him.

"You.. You are very beautiful." He blurs out.

"Excuse me?" You raise the sword even closer to his neck. "I don't need—"

"Sorry." He cuts you off. "Will you please lower your weapon. We aren't going to hurt anyone. We're good."

"You have to promise you are who you say you are,"

"Yes. We will—" He tries to say.

"That promise stays forever. You can never back down from it. Do you hear me?" You say to clarify.

"Ugh! Enough of this bull—" The younger boy screams.

"Edmund!" The older girl yells at him. "Do not swear!"

You lower your sword and begin to walk away.
"Wait! Who are you?"

"(last name). (Y/n) (L/n)."
He run forwards next to you. Facing you.

"I'm Peter Pevensie. Those are my siblings Susan, Lucy and Edmund." He smiles and gestures his hand for you to shake.

You shake his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Likewise." Susan said from behind the group.
"I already feel like we're gonna be great friends, (Y/n)." Lucy smiles.

Peter looks at you bites his lip when you aren't looking. "Me too." He agrees with Lucy.

[ for all my Peter girls ;)) ]

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