57. what the othets think of your relationship

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what the others think of your relationship


— caspian:
"(y/n) deserves better than peter, but she's happy."

— edmund:
"peter and (y/n)'s relationship? an absolute masterpiece."

— susan:
"i want a relationship like that! you don't see a couple like that for at least a century."

— lucy:
"(y/n) is like a sister to me, hopefully she will be in the future."


— caspian:
"they dated? I never knew they dated."

— peter:
"you can tell that boy loves her because he will offer his food or get her food if she wants, when I can't get one single fry from his plate"

— susan:
"their whole relationship is a cliché movie, they had their first kiss in a tree. It's so cute."

— lucy:
"do I even have to tell you how much I love them?"


— caspian:
"they are the most goofy couple I have ever seen."

— edmund:
"they make each other happy and that's all that matters."

— peter:
"susan and (y/n)! that's a good question! I love them both so much and-"
(he goes on telling them how much he loves yours and susans relationship)

— lucy:
".. it's pure love."


— caspian:
"young love."

— edmund:
"young love."

— peter:
"young love."

— susan:
"young love."


— peter:
"eh .. it's okay."

— edmund:
"they both have great hair."

— susan:
"they are actually really cute."

— lucy:
"I found them sword fighting and laughing and it was cute."

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