Jon Gets Injured By TNA

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Liza's POV

After that attack from TNA. I had my mind set for my revenge. Then, I see the Bar and The Shield against Jeff and Matt Hardy, Abyss, Crazy Steve, Aj Styles. Then, TNA come bursting into my locker room and took me by the arms to the entrance.

Jon's POV

The Shield and the Bar are against the Hardy's, Abyss, Crazy Steve,and Aj Styles and my sister is backstage watching the match. Then, I hear the theme of TNA and they came out with my sister. She sees Abyss and the guys from TNA attack me, the Shield and the Bar from behind.

Once, everyone was out and I'm the only one in ring, I see the remaining TNA roster come down the ramp with Liza and Jeff and Matt yanked her in the ring to make her watch me get pummeled.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Liza yelled


Then, Abyss poured thumb tacks and Liza knew what was coming. Abyss grabbed my throat and Black hole slammed me into the thumb tacks. I yelled in pain. I see Liza try to get loose to only get kneed in the gut by someone. They let her go and she rushed to me.

"Jon, are you ok?" Liza asked

"No." I said

"Ok, I'll call for help." She runs to find some help.

Colby and Joe comes in to see me in pain.

"You ok?" Colby asked

"No." I say still in pain.

Then, I see the entire WWE roster come in the ring and helped me get backstage. Liza was screaming and crying seeing me in pain. And the girls tried to calm her down.

"Liza, I'm going to be ok." I reassured her as I go up to her.

"Ok, ok." She calms down

We go backstage then we go to the trainers room they pulled the tacks out of my back and they washed my back that was covered in blood. Then, Liza comes in worried to death.

"Liza, its going to be ok." I say

"No, its not. They hurt you right infront of me." She says

"They also had Jeff knee me in the gut." She says. I get mad.

Liza's POV

My brother is hurting because of TNA. They made me go out there and watch my older brother get pummeled. I told him that Jeff kneed me in the gut. Jon got pissed and worried. I should've stayed in TNA. But I will not stand back and watch Jonathan get hurt.

I love my brother so much.

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