v. The moving photographs

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Tatum and Lola made sure to stay far enough behind Percy so that he wouldn't see them and attempted to blend in with the crowd. However, it wasn't such an easy task as Lola was abnormally tall and Tatum was muttering to herself which caused people walking by to give her funny looks.

"Stop worrying, it'll be fine." Lola told Tatum, although she wasn't so sure herself.

They followed Percy up until the point where he stepped inside a red telephone box and rummaged throughout his pockets.

"Who could he possibly be making a call to?" Questioned Tatum. "He doesn't talk to his family."

"Who doesn't talk to their family?"

Behind Tatum and Lola stood Ryder holding a tray of overpriced coffee. He was dressed in his usual color scheme, a red Rolling Stones t-shirt paired with fading denim jeans that had drawings all over them.

"You've got a sticky note on your shirt, love." Lola pointed out.

"Oh, that was to remind me to get the coffee." He explained. Ryder took the sticky note from his shirt and placed it on Lola's forehead.

"Why'd you give me this?" She asked.

"I don't have an use for it anymore now do I." He said.

Tatum ran her hands through her hair in frustration. "Never mind that, we have to keep an eye on Percy." She said turning around to face the telephone box again.

To Tatum's astonishment, the telephone box that Percy had been inside of not more than a moment ago, was empty.

"No!" Tatum facepalmed. "He's gone, we've lost him!"

"Why are you guys spying on Percy anyway, it's a bit creepy." Ryder said.

"Shut up Ryder!" Tatum said through clenched teeth.

"He can't have gone far." Lola suggested as she looked around.

"No, lets just go home. I'm being silly any way." Tatum tried telling herself, but failed miserably as the whole way home she still had a burning desire to figure out what Percy was up to.

"I'm sorry we didn't figure it out." Lola said when they were back at the shop.

"Yeah, me too." Said Tatum. "But this doesn't mean it's over."

Lola raised a brow. "What do you mean by that exactly?"

"I suppose you'll find out, sooner or later."

"I choose sooner." Said Ryder.

"You don't have an option." Tatum told him.

"Why not?" Ryder said in a mock accused tone. "I was involved; I was there when he left."

"That's exactly why you don't get an option, because you distracted us." Lola said, flicking Ryder's forehead.

Ryder grabbed Lola's hand and pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her. "Can I just say-"

"No, you can't say anything." Lola teasingly interrupted him.

"Can I just say, that if Percy's waited this long and still hasn't told Tatum anything about his work, it's for a good reason."

It was very late when Percy got home from work. Tatum heard him come in and quickly shut her eyes, feigning sleep once again. Although she couldn't see, Tatum assumed that Percy didn't change into his pajamas and just crawled right into bed fully clothed. Five minutes went by, and when she heard the soft sound of Percy's breathing, Tatum carefully crept out of bed. A smile grew on her face as she watched her boyfriend sleep soundly. Percy was so exhausted, that he didn't even flinch when Tatum pinched him to make sure he was asleep, and then when she knocked over the lamp.

Even in the darkness of the apartment, Tatum could still make out where everything was. Percy usually but his work things in a safe, but alas, here was his bag full of papers from work sprawled out on the couch for anyone to grab.

"You must've been tired." Tatum whispered. "If you forgot to put away your work things."

Giving a glance back to make sure Percy wasn't watching, Tatum opened the bag. Inside was paperwork, files, and books. Normal things, she thought. The only oddity was that some of the pictures on the paperwork moved.

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