Chapter 10

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Axel's PoV

I rode my bike to the town, feeling excited to begin work on the treehouse. I felt honoured that Jesse would let me help him, since he was always usually very reserved and quiet. But he was a cool guy. I stopped when I saw Lukas and Petra, arguing again.

Carefully, I got off my bike and walked past them. However, just as I walked towards them, I saw a poster taped to a lamppost. I looked at it and read...

Name: Ivor Alchem Jackson
Address: 56 Oak Street
If found, please contact

And they never said anything else. Hmm. I looked at the picture and swore I've seen him somewhere before... a very long time ago. I just couldn't put a finger on it.

I looked back down the street and realised that Petra and Lukas were gone. I missed my chance. "Dang it, poster. Why?" I muttered to it.

"First sign of craziness, talking to an object." A voice startled me and I spun around. And there was Olivia, looking up at me. "Uh... hello?" I said and she looked at the poster.

There was an awkward silence as she read it. "Sad for the Jacksons, huh? She already lost her mom, and now, her brother." Olivia said sadly. I didn't know who was she referring to so I just agreed with her.

There was an awkward silence as I tried to find something to talk about, But my chance came too late. "Oh well. Nice talking to you Axel." she said abruptly and turned to walk away without another world. I stared at her and didn't know what to say.


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