Chapter 12

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Axel's PoV

I scowled at my computer and slammed it shut, making my mom huff angrily. "What's wrong?" she asked as she sat in front of me, her green eyes shining with patience and understanding. I shook my head. "It's okay, mom, really... it's just a stupid-." I looked at her and she pursed her lips. She hates it whenever I used vulgarities. And stupid was a vulgarity in her book.

"It's a project I'm working on and it's not going so well." I phrased it. My mom nodded and started to open my laptop when I took it away from her. (gently, mind you) My mom said nothing but left me alone, with a nod of understanding. I sighed and leaned back as she exited the kitchen.

Truthfully, I was looking for Jesse's address. Where he lived. However, no result. Maybe I had to... stalk him home? I shuddered a little, that was creepy. Imagine a stalker... brrr. Anyway, I opened the laptop again and stared at the list of addresses on the screen, each number making no sense and the fact that there were the initials, "THO." on every end of the address.

I narrowed my eyes and rubbed them sleepily. Maybe I could go to the treehouse and from there, maybe follow Jesse's footsteps? I sighed again and packed up my laptop. "Hey honey," my mom called as I slid off the stool.

"Yeah?" I answered as I struggled to untie the knot on my cables and earpieces. "I just baked a cake and was hoping-." I smiled at her and held out my hands. "Do you even need to ask?" I laughed as she smiled at me as well.


"I just don't feel well today, Axel." Jesse said weakly. I scooted away from him as his hammer dropped onto the hard wooden floor. "Why?" I asked, playing with my hammer, making it leave little dents in the floor.

"I feel like..." Jesse pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "I feel like something's gonna happen tonight." he said seriously. I glanced at his wrists and he raised an eyebrow. "Anyway. It's nothing," Jesse said and picked up his hammer again.

I continued hammering on the boards, thinking about everything except the sad face of Jesse's.


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