Hit and run

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Detty Hit and Run, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Hit and Run

This is for my friend Charlie (HumanNature207) on YouTube. She is one of the best of friends, and she loves detty as much as I do. So, Charlie, this is for you, girl. Thanks to my beta Insaaf for the help as always

Chapter 1: Crossing the street

It was nightfall. Betty Suarez held her umbrella carefully over her, shielding herself from the pouring rain. She was heading home after a late night at work with her boss, Daniel Meade. All she could think of as she started to cross the street to her apartment building was drying off and getting into her warm bed. These pleasant musings were interrupted suddenly by the roar of a car engine and the harsh glare of two headlights charging her way.


The screech of tires faded into the distance as the car disappeared down the road. The umbrella now rested on the pavement as Betty lay there, bruised and lifeless...

Daniel Meade jolted awake in a cold sweat. With wide eyes, he quickly checked his surroundings: Molly was sleeping soundly by his side. With a sigh, Daniel lay back down. It had just been a dream, a horrible, terrifying idea. He took deep breaths, trying to calm the momentary surge of panic he'd felt at the thought of Betty being hurt. His eyes started to slip shut, sleep about to claim him. Then the phone rang.

"Hello?" Daniel spoke into the receiver.


It was from Amanda.

"Amanda?" Daniel said, confused.

"Yes, it's me...I'm sorry to bother you, but..." She broke off.

"Amanda, it's okay," Daniel said soothingly. Her voice sounded strange, sort of strangled, and choked up as though she were crying or trying very hard not to.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Daniel," He heard her draw in a shaky breath, "its Betty."

"Betty," Daniel said fearfully, "What about her? Amanda, has something happened?"

They worry he'd felt before was returning, beginning to unfurl in his chest.

"There was an accident," Amanda sniffed, "a hit and run. She's been hurt badly, Daniel."

At this point, Amanda's voice broke, and she started sobbing.

Daniel felt his heart constrict. His worst nightmare was coming true.

"Oh my god...Amanda-...Betty... Is anyone at the hospital? Ignacio, Hilda, and Justin?" Daniel struggled through his broken speech.

"Yes," Amanda managed between sobs, "we're all here. Ignacio wanted me to call you. We're still down in the emergency room."

"I'm on my way," Daniel said, his voice surprisingly steady, quiet and firm.

"Thank you, Daniel."

As soon as they hung up, Daniel darted out of bed. He dressed quickly, hurriedly scrawled an untidy note to Molly, and then headed out the door. To the hospital, he sent up a silent prayer, hoping to God that Betty would be alright.

Chapter 2: Will she make it?

As Daniel entered the emergency room, he saw Hilda sitting with Justin, trying to comfort each other. Ignacio was pacing anxiously back and forth while Amanda stood by the vending machine staring idly. She turned slightly in time to see him, and her eyes went full with relief as she rushed towards him.

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