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Hi peoples! I know it's been... awhile since I last updated and I'm honestly super surprised that people where actually reading this book! It makes me wicked happy that people are actually bothering to look at this book, let alone read it, so thank you so much! I'm really sorry for not updating sooner but a lot has been going on lately so I'm super sorry and I'll try my best to keep up with this
story! Anyways on with the book!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu!

It's almost as if you were a girl..." he says as he places his hand on my front. His eyes going wide.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here."

I look up at him, my eyes wide, with terror. This was not going to end well. " P-please l-leave me alone," I mumble as my eyes begin to swim with tears, " J- just let m-me go, I-I promise I w-wont cause you any trouble."

Drew looked over at his friends, smirking. "I don't think I can do that," he says, directing his attention back to me. "It seems to me that you have yourself in quite the situation here, little girl."

I froze at the statement. "I-I..."

"Look at her! I-I," He says as he laughs manically with his friends, mocking me as he begins backing me into a wall . " Aww, now would you look at that she's shaking."

"I-I I'm not a g-girl...".Suddenly I'm against a wall, hands wrapped tight around my small wrists. Shit.

"Well would you look at this," Drew says looking me up and down, before finally settling his eyes on my face. "It seems like you've got yourself in quite the situation here, honey, what are ya gonna do about it."

His fingers were starting to dig into my skin as he gripped my wrists harder. " I-I need to g-go to c-class," I say to him as I try to wrestle myself from his grip with no luck. "I-Its about to s-start."

"I think we have some time for some fun, don't you agree?" he says to me as he brings his hand up to my cheek.

I turn my head away, hot, big tears had escaped my eyes and now I was trapped and unable to do anything. I tried pushing him off with no success, he was just to strong for me.

His hands start to leave my face as I struggle against him. "Please stop," I say as his hands start to reach the hem of my shirt.

Suddenly he pulls away as if he was startled. The bell had rang. I sigh in relief.

"Oh this isn't over," he says to me as he starts to walk away with his goons. " See you later tranny."

I feel myself slide against the wall and onto the floor. As I look up to the sky, tears still flowing down my face, all I can think is, 'why me.'

AN: Hey thanks for reading guys! I'm really sorry this took so long to come out and I'm sorry its so short but I hope you enjoyed it. :)

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