Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Haikuyy! 'Explication' of my long hiatus at the end of chapter! (Also I changed the point of view.... please don't kill me)

Kageyama's POV:

To say that Kageyama was upset would be an understatement. He was pissed. And it wasn't a 'someone drank his milk' kinda pissed, it was a 'I'm gonna kill someone' kinda pissed. When Hinata hadn't meet him in the usual cross in the road he had disregarded it, assuming he was already at practice(and was honesty kinda pissed because that meant that Hinata had beaten him). But when Hinata had never shown up for practice Kageyama was ready to roll up his sleeves and sock him straight in the stomach.So by the time Hinata walked into the class 5 minutes late, he was ready explode. Except, instead of running into the classroom clothes messy as if he had just taken a 10 mile run, loudly exclaiming that he was sorry for being late and begging not to be given detention, Hinata was strangely quiet. He walked up to the teachers desk in an almost detached sort of way and quietly apologized for his tardiness. Kageyama stared at him as he sat down, confused to the abrupt change in Hinata's demenor. "Hinata boke," he hissed from behind, " where in the world have you been, you missed practice!"

"Sorry," Hinata replied in an almost reserved sort of way, " I ... woke up late." Kageyama, taken back by the hesitant way Hinta gave his excuse, took a moment before flicking him in the back of the head and demanding that it wouldn't happen again. The smaller boy jerked away harshly as Kageyama touched him, fear suddenly inscribed in his face. Taken aback, Kageyama sat back in his seat and wondered, what in the world is going on with Hinata?

Soooooo this is a bit awkward... anyway I'll get to the point, in short, I don't exactly have the best reason to have taken so long to have updated, and I am sincerely sorry for that. I have been very caught up on the past while with finishing up sophomore year and getting straight A's was at the top of my priority list, leading this story to fall through the cracks of my to-do list. This on top of the fact that I'm moving again this summer have completely distracted me from this book, so hopefully over the summer I will be able to update a bit more. Thank you so much for your continued support and I'll try to update as all as possible. :D

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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