. thirteen .

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"Any past retail experiences? What kind of services have you worked in?"

"Well..." He'd been afraid of answering that. "I've worked in a bar since I was eighteen, but for the past few months I've been a weekend library assistant at the university. I have excellent reports there."

"You know, Mark's been pushing me for this interview for ages," the manager laughed. "Finally getting to interview you in person, instead of seeing you roaming around, I'd be happy to have you with us, Jaebum. With a little bit of training I think you could be one of our top employees."

Jaebum smiled wide and said, "Thank you so much, Mr. Oh! I really appreciate you taking the—"

"Just one more question, if I may."

"Of course."

"What is it that's made you finally comply to this interview?" Jaebum raised his eyebrows in thought, recalling his recent encounters. Some old ones, too.

"For me," he started, "I think working here is more welcoming. To others, as well, and it's a fresh start." Mr. Oh simply nodded and thanked the interviewee again before dismissing him with a printed copy of his training schedule for the week.

To celebrate this new occupational journey, Jaebum thought he'd go first let Mark know. So, he made his way to the bookstore café only to see a head sitting in his unofficially reserved booth. Disappointed, he made his way to the counter and waited in the short line.

"Hello, I'd like a pumpkin muffin, an iced tea, and some tips for pleasing the management team!"

"What?" Mark asked, confused. He held his eyebrows in a hard position until Jaebum held up the piece of paper that read, Help and Organization Training.  "Hey, congrats!" he exclaimed. "It's about time," he laughed. "No, put away your wallet; this is on me," he smiled. "Also, your buddy's here~~"

"Huh?" he turned around to see that it was Youngjae sitting in his booth, and he was ecstatic all of a sudden. "Youngjae!" he called. Until then, Youngjae didn't realize that Jaebum's voice was exactly what he was waiting for.

"Oh! Jaebum, you're here!" He was only a little startled despite how he sounded— he half hoped for the older to be there anyway. He quickly put his phone away when he found himself with the older's contact open again.

"I didn't recognize you sitting here," Jaebum pondered, staring at the other with a content gaze. "Your hair looks different," he chuckled. "I like it."

"Thank you," Youngjae said shyly.

"You should have called me!" he suggested, looking at Youngjae excitedly.

"I... I don't have your number."

"Really? I swear I thought I have it to you," he thought out loud, shifting more comfortable in the booth next to the younger. "Can I put it in your phone?" Youngjae nodded and opened the contacts, forgetting to delete the one he was looking at beforehand. "Guy from library," Jaebum chuckled. "That's cute." Youngjae covered his mouth with one hand and laughed quietly, trying to hide his blush.

He wanted to say, "You're cute, too," but his look said it enough.


© illjae, 2018

a/n: this is dumb and too short but wattpad's gonna be fucked up tomorrow ;;;; also i'm a filthy LIAR you should know that by now but the end of the semester is coming and i have so much work ugh T-T i'll make the next chapter longer for all of you lovelies who put up with my shit <3333 lol

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