. fourteen .

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For a moment, they were only two bodies in an infinite void, unexplainably attached only by the pulling in both of their chests, forcing them together with ease. Two beings that became stronger as they connected further, into one that could seemingly face no challenges. It was purely light in their hearts and the atmosphere before the sun decided to set without warning, and it turned to grey. One body disconnected and the other didn't know where to, only scurried frantically to find where this other body went.

For a moment, the two boys were calmly passed out in the afternoon, on the bed with the sheets that smelled like the laundry. The scent lulled Youngjae comfortably to sleep on top of them, but suddenly Jaebum was awake once again and looking towards the back of the boy's head longingly.

Jaebum nudged himself closer to him, not wanting to wake him up or make him feel awkward. Then he moved some distance closer, and closer, until his nose was just at the back of his neck. He was careful not to breathe too hard on the boy's skin— Don't wake him up.

And then he heard a chuckle from Youngjae and moved away quickly. "Sorry! Sorry, Youngjae. I didn't realize—" He was cut off by another chuckle.

"Come back, Jaebum, it's okay," he assure the older, smiling into the blanket. Finally feeling the older lie back down, Youngjae turned over and put his arm over his torso. "What made you wake up finally, hm?" They lie still, not realizing the mutual agreement that this, in fact, wasn't awkward for either of them.

"I have weird dreams when I nap," Jaebum chuckled, and Youngjae didn't say anything so he would have time to listen. "This one was about someone I knew before but somehow reminded me of you."

"Oh?" And finally Jaebum turned around to face Youngjae, looking him in the eyes for what felt like the first time, and he saw something that he'd sworn he hadn't seen before. "Why me?" Youngjae asked, ignoring the red creeping up on his cheeks.

"I don't want to lose you like I lost him, Youngjae." They were both silent again, listening to the faint blowing of the wind against the window and cars driving by, the occasional phone ringing they could hear from the street. The thought of Jaebum losing anybody made Youngjae feel like he had to comfort him, but he had no idea how long ago the loss was, or if it would be strange for him to say he was sorry.

"Can we just hang out here today?" Jaebum asked, desperate to change the subject. "You don't have to stay late, but it'd be lovely if you did."


It was still dark outside, but well into the morning when Jaebum was still awake, unable to adjust to his new sleeping schedule. He was no longer working a job that allowed him to sleep in, but one that forced him to wake up when he would usually be heading for bed. Youngjae had already fallen asleep again, but Jaebum wanted coffee.

He strode into the kitchen, careful not to make too much noise, and started the brewer. He looked outside at the black night— morning— and Jackson wouldn't leave his mind. It was always this colour, this time, this specific feeling that reminded him of the mysterious foreigner. Jaebum could never figure out what was so intriguing about him, anyway.

This is my favourite time of day, too.

When his coffee was finished, Jaebum went into the living room and sat on the couch to continue watching the show that was Seoul's nightlife. Even if only headlights and street lamps, it was beautiful to him, and it reminded him of a time when the bar wasn't restricting him.

He got a call from Bam then. "Dude, you really did leave! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know, Bam... I just wanted other things without having to say goodbye to you. That's dumb," he explained, picking at the rounded edge of his mug. "You just get off?" Bam made a grunt of affirmation and Jaebum continued. "Besides, you're next in line now. You were always Chaeyoung's second favourite," he teased, taking another sip.

"I just want to know why, Jaebum. What other things did you want? I get it, man, I do, but... You'll stop by sometimes, right?"

"Yeah, of course, but not every night. I can't go every night... I actually got a job at that bookstore," he mentioned. "Training starts Monday."

"What will you do until then? Can we meet somewhere?"

Jaebum looked behind him, expecting to see the doorframe to his bedroom, but Youngjae was in front of it.

"I... I have plans. We'll meet, though." And he hung up.


a/n: what do you think of the story so far? some comments will be so helpful <3333

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