🔼 Good And Evil 🔽

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Prequel to 'Two Bloods'

Published On: 05.12.18

Words: 6.3 K


There were so few times these days amidst the unrest that Sakura actually got to stop and observe the changing hues of the vast sky. Between fighting evil spirits and the like, she had little to no time to stop and smell the vast flower fields or to relax in the beautiful hot water springs for long. Even now, as she helped old lady Koharu carry water from the well to her cottage, her mind kept straying to the latest task she had taken upon herself.

The moment her time allowed for it, she made her way into the forest. With the grace of the huntress that she was, Sakura easily scaled the climb from the lake to a particular tree up the hill. Along the way, she wondered if he would still be there when she reached. In her basket rested herbs and potions along with some food she had acquired herself and secretly cooked before coming up.

Her feet slowed as her eyes fell upon the demon she had saved two nights ago still resting quietly against the same tree. She soundlessly put her basket down beside him. At this, his dark eyes slid toward her. He spoke in his deep, rumbling voice, "I already told you, I don't eat human food. You're wasting your time."

"I think you might like this one," she replied, then bent down to check on his wounds, surprised to find some major gashes already beginning to close.

He leaned away from her - however much his body allowed - and scowled. "I don't need help. Nor do I want your human food."

"Well, Sasuke-kun, its this or nothing."

"Stop calling me that."

"Why? Its your name, isn't it? At least, that's what the demons that came for you called you." She looked at him over her shoulder, pausing in the task of picking out some mountain herbs. "You have quite a few enemies, Sasuke-kun."

To which she received no response. She wordlessly went over to see if any of his injuries needed tending or had caught infection. She hadn't really healed too many demons before, but she knew the basics. He narrowed his eyes at her, angling his chin sharply up.

"What have you to gain from this...unnecessary coddling?"

Sakura blinked. "Gain?"

"Why would a priestess help a demon?"

"Because you're injured."

"Don't play foolish. You know what I ask."

She sighed. "I just want to help people, Sasuke-kun - whether demon or human. And that's all."

"You kill our kind."

"Yes," she admitted. "But every once in a while, I meet one I find worth saving too."

Sasuke paused for a moment, searching her face for any trace of lie or humor that would warrant her execution at his hands. To his surprise, there was only sincerity and determination.

"Ridiculous," he spat, looking away.

Sakura quietly reached for his wounded arm again and he physically jerked, halting her hands midway.

"Blue bloods of the panther demon tribe don't show their wounds to anyone," he snarled, demanding through his glare that she curb her actions immediately and make herself scarce. Much to his chagrin, though she retreated and stood up, her face had no fear of his threat upon it. She was simply acquiescing to his wishes.

"Well then, Sasuke-kun, I've seen your wounds. You're no longer a blue blood."

Sasuke stared at her back until she disappeared, wondering whether the priestess was attempting humor. Then he finally grunted and closed his eyes. "Annoying woman."

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