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"I think I should go... Thanks for this (Y/N)," he stood up and started for the door leaving. I sighed as he left, wishing he'd stay just a bit longer. I put the pocky boxes in the fridge, not wanting to dwell on him. Once I sat down my phone went of with a text or story update. I turned on the phone realizing, with surprise, it was a text. 

"Call Me as soon as possible (Y/N)."

It's from Nick. He must be sad too. I wonder if he even cared when they left. Maybe he thinks they're still together. I called him.

"(Y/N)?" I could here the sorrow and despair in his voice.

"Whats wrong Nick? Is it what happened earlier? Do you wanna come over?" I said, way to frantic, wanting to help him as much as I possibly could.

"Umm.. If I could come over that'd be great..." his sorrow only growing more and more as he talked slowly.

"My door is always open Hun," I replied in a small, smooth, calm, pity-filled voice. 

"Thanks..." He hung up.

About ten minutes later I heard a faint knock on the door. 'he must be here now...' I thought and I waked to the door. I opened it to find, as I had expected, Nick. 

"Hey. Come on in Nick," my slightly tired out voice said as it was commanded to.

"I-I'm so sorry (Y-Y/N).." he sounded as if he was just crying recently. His eyes confirmed it as I look at them. He hugged me as I returned the favor not wanting my friend in this condition. "I-I fucking hate C-Chris! H-He's never even dated and he tells us we can't BECAUSE OUR FRIENDS ARE AT A STUPID 'CAT VS. DOG' WAR, DAMMIT!!!" He shouted louder sobbing into my shoulder and I just held him. I can relate.

"I know how it feels, Nick, but you can't hate him forever." I looked at him as he saw the necklace around my neck.

"Did you take Ted out shopping again..?" he chuckled and smiled at the thought of his now found ex. I nodded and asked if he wanted to get lunch since I could tell we both hungry. "Sure let's get going," was his only reply. We ended up going to a Red Lobster in the next town over. 

"I'll just have a rare cooked steak with mashed potatoes and a pink lemonade please~!" I asked the waitress and looked over at Nick, needing his order as well.

"May I just have a Chocolate Chip Lava Cookie? And extra caramel drizzle..?" I smiled at his sweet order and said 'thank you' one last time.

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