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~~(Y/N)'s Point Of View~~

Ted slowly leaned toward me. I knew what was going to happen. A kiss. I've always wanted this, but its so- I''m too relaxed...why? Our lips collided and I immediately tasted watermelon. It was a short, small, and sweet kiss. I loved it. He's sweet, cute, tall, and my best friend. We both pulled away and were blushing immensely. He apologized and looked down.

"I-I should go..." he mumbled. He started to stand up and walk away. I really wanted to stop him, but I let him leave. 

"IDIOT!" I shouted to myself knowing full well he was half way down the hall. I can't let him get away. 6 years I've wanted an opportunity to get him and this was it. I opened my door and shouted his name. "I LOVE YOU DAMMIT!" I shouted to him. He stopped in his tracks turning around slowly.

"R-Really...?" He look happy, scared, and fearful. His face hid no emotion, putting it all on display. 

"Yes Really! How blind are you?! I've liked you sense we were 12!" I yelled wanting to kiss him. Almost as if he read my mind he kissed me passionately. I was kissing him back still tasting the watermelon from earlier. He pulled away and looked flustered as he apologized once more.

"I love you," he mumbled, just above a whisper. I hugged him as tight as I could and told him I've always loved him. "Will you go out with me?" he asked, obviously fearful of my answer.

"Nope, I'm going to tell you I've loved you for 6 years and not go out with you!" I yelled at him. He smiled and kisses me softly.

"I love you dork!"

(~3~)should i finish this worthless story?(~3~)

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