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omg the new episode. "you're jo wilson... i know exactly who you are.."

i freaking love meredith grey with all my heart. thank goodness for 2 more seasons.

Everyone's goal in life is 'to be happy'. To be happy means something different for each person. It could mean finding the love of your life. It could mean raising children. It could mean getting the job of your dreams. The problem is, once we get what we want, we want something else. It seems like we will never reach the point of happy. Maybe we're missing something. Maybe we have been happy all along but are too wrapped up to notice it. Maybe we're crazy, fighting for something we already have.  

Meredith stood at the kitchen island, leaning over it and staring at her niece snoozing on the couch. She looked like she was twelve, happily tucked under a blanket, her face relaxed. If Meredith felt one thing, it was that Cassie didn't deserve the Grey curse. It was just that, a curse. Even without being a Grey for the first few years of her life, she still suffered with the symptoms.

She stood there for a while, and eventually she saw Zola running into the kitchen with Bailey on her tail.

"Mommy! Can we have juice boxes?"

Meredith shook out of her thoughts, looking down at her daughter. It was then that she realized that when they had walked in, Zola had already known who Cassie was. It hadn't struck her until now. The two of them hadn't met, at least not on Meredith's watch.

"Hey. Zo." She said, as she moved to grab the two juice boxes. "How did you know Cassie?"

Zola peered up at her mother. Was she going to be mad? "I played with her at daycare. Lexie's her mom." She mumbled, as if Meredith hadn't known and wasn't reminded of that fact everyday. Meredith let out a sigh. She wondered if it had been Alex or Amelia or Maggie that had done that.

"Can Cassie play with me?" Zola asked, oblivious to her mother's train of thought. "She's so fun! She plays Barbies with me!"

Meredith handed her daughter the two juice boxes. "Make sure Bailey is sitting at the table when he drinks it." She mumbled, walking with her daughter into the living room, where Bailey was sitting on the ground with a toy. She lifted her baby boy into his chair. She again found her eyes wondering to Alex, Amelia, and Cassie all crashed on the couch.

It was cute, really. Alex had laid down sideways, bending his legs so they wouldn't bump into Cassie. Amelia was on the other side, her head flopped back. And Cassie, her sweet beautiful niece, had her feet propped up on the table and was slouched as far back as she could go.

Maggie walking in the door and slamming it caused the three of them to jump from their slumber. Alex observed his surroundings, looking up at Mer before standing up and walking over to join her where she was sitting next to Zola and Bailey. Maggie just blinked, walking into the kitchen with bags of groceries. Yes, she was making mac and cheese, as Alex had texted her to do.

"Why are you making that face?" He asked her. "It's bluntly obvious."

"What face?" Meredith asked.

Alex snorted. "The 'my dead sister's secret baby is on my couch with my person and my sister face. It's the most popular face this season." His eyes stared her down. "Are you okay?"

Meredith looked at her person, her eyes darting between her son, daughter, and niece. "Yeah. I just- I never pictured this, you know? Life has managed to surprise me once again. I didn't think I could take any more surprises. Even though this is one of the best, next to my three kids."

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