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Chandler's POV

"get your stupid ass up! it's Friday afternoon!" Sam was currently trying to get me out of bed but being the lazy and hungover boy I am I just groaned in pain

"be quiet! my head is killing me!" I grabbed my bed sheets and pulled them over my face, blocking the sun's bright rays

"nu uh, your fricking going outside, I don't care if I have to push your lazy ass up.. you need the outside..and a maid.." Sam grabbed my bed sheets and yanked them off "ow! my eyes!" I covered my face with my cold hands

"boo hoo, now get up, freshman!"

This is gonna be a loonnggg day..

Cloud's POV


I slowly creep inside my house and hear soft steps coming down our stair well

"Claudia! I'm so glad you came! I didn't think you would have wanted and I-"

"Dad, chill" He smiled and took a deep breathe

"come, sit with me" he guided me to our old living room where I sat on one couch and he sat in the other, we faced each other in an awkward silence..

"look, I'm sorry for having my anger rush over me, I promised my self I would control it but it just got out of hand and well-"

"dad, I understand.. but you know this can't keep happening.."

"I know it's that I just, I don't want you around Chandler, he hurt my baby and he is just a reckless kid with no future ahead of him." my head shot up, giving my father a glare

"Chandler is a good kid, he just, he's-"

"He's what, Claudia. That boy causes trouble, you know the only thing I want for you is a bright future, but with him? He's just wasting your time! So please, stay away from him, it's for your own-"

"no dad! All of what you want for me, is for you! All you do is brag about me! Your never proud of things I do by my self! I'm tired of living to your expectations!"

I don't know why I was protecting Chandler, like something just clicked in me, wanting to protect the one person who.. causes me pain? sometimes I don't even understand my self

"Claudia! Don't raise your voice at me! You are forbidden to talk to Chandler ever again! I thought we were past him!"

"Well, we aren't, Dad I'm tired of you trying to tell me who's bad and who's good! It's my life! I'll live it how ever I want it and who ever I want to have it with!" I shoot up from my seat and scream at my dad, this is my life, my love life, and my Chandler.. I know who he is, who he really is..

"who confront that boy, you are to never speak to me, your mother, or your baby sister.." my father says calmly..

"you. sick. fucker." I mutter

"what was that, Claudia?! I dare you to say it again! I dare you!" my father's voice booms through out the living room

Gears suddenly shift throughout my whole body, I get a rush and just. Explode.

"You sick fucker! I hate you!"

wrong move..

I feel pulling at my hair and notice my dad grabbing at my blonde hair and dragging me behind the couch

"Let go of me!" I scream

He tugs at my hair even harder, tears slip out my eyes, "s-stop! p-please!"

He throws me towards the cold wood floor, I fall on my side, holding my self up by my elbows and hands

"you will listen to your father!"

Tears fall down my face and I choke on my breathe, "fuck you.."

I suddenly get lifted up by my shirt, hearing ripping noises, " Let go! I hate you!" and get flung to the white wall. My head hits the key holder and I black out..

Chandler's POV

I sit out side of Starbucks and sip at my coke, "fucking Sam.." I adjust my black shades, hiding my red eyes

"ooh, what- more like who fucked you up?" I hear a small chuckle and slowly face the person talking to me

"fuck you, Becca.."

"na, I'll let Clouds have ya" she sits across from me and crosses her arms on her chest

"take a seat, ya know.. doesn't bother me.." I say sarcastically

"shut up will ya?" I chuckle, I grab another cigarette from my back pocket and right as I'm about to light it, Becca slaps it out my hand and makes it fall out of my head

"what the fuck! what's with everyone smacking my hand?!" I question

"none of that today boy, your outside, for once in like two weeks!"

"shut up.."


lord, give me patience!


idk wtf that is ^^^^ lol well I hope y'all liked that chappie and also I have a summer packet fuccckkk lol and also my dogs back! yay he is back home and slowly recovering! he should be good in about a week so yay! lol that all for now so..


Clouds 2: My life's EndingWhere stories live. Discover now