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Chandler's POV

I panicked thinking about Clouds, and where the hell that girl was!

"hey, I'm back!" Sam smiled entering the room again

He obviously saw the panicked face I had on and quickly bombarded me with questions

"it's clouds, she won't answer her phone and I'm getting worried.."

"dude, she's fine, I saw her walking back to her dorm.."

"what? wait do you know where she was coming from?!"

"uh...I think Ed's.."

"I fucking knew it" I quickly grab my black hoodie and black shades since my eyes aren't back to normal..


I slam the door in Sam's face and run to Ed's dorm..I fucking tired, like really tired of this prick always trying to get to Clouds. Something is up in his head and I'm going to find out what that is.

I ran to his dorm and didn't even bother to knock, I rushed in and slammed the door shut

I heard water running in the bathroom and saw Ed walking out with a towel between his hands

"well, hello.."

"shut up, I told you to stay away from her.."

He threw his towel on his bed and crossed his arms, smirking at me, I clenched my jaw trying to just swing at him

"her? I don't think I know anyone with the name, her.."

"Clouds! you know who I'm talking about..I thought I told you to stay away from her.."

"to be fair, you said 'us' so meaning the both of you, seeing that you two aren't together.. makes sense no?"

That's it!

I lunged forward and made Ed's back hit the wall, "ouch, did that hurt?" I question "you know what, don't answer that.." I throw him on the ground and shove my hand over his mouth

"listen, I don't like hurting people, believe me.. but when it comes to you, and how you fucked up my life..I'm more then glad to do so.."

He squirms trying to get my hand off his mouth but I restrain his other hand with mine and pin him to the ground

"for your own sake..stay away.."

I release him and walk towards the door, but before I leave, Ed opens his mouth, "I can stay away, but that doesn't mean she won't.."

I can practically hear his smirk, I slam the door shut and sigh..he's right I can make him stay away but I can't make Clouds. She's just too determined to see him..and I can't do anything about it.


haii lol sorry for this filler chapter and like.. I know the story has been pretty boring but its all leading up to something I promise lol again if your still reading thanks so much! you guys who still read are the best and I love you guys so much


Clouds 2: My life's EndingWhere stories live. Discover now