Jealousy&Fear - Jason ft. Chan

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[A/n: Ok first off I am so soft look at this man I cry every time]

You were excited to see the boys again now that they had a short break from their schedules.
[A/n: Support them on mixnine and the unit our boys deserve all the love]

They had invited you to the park because Chan believed it would be a fun way for everyone to relax and naturally you and his hyungs couldn't fight such a happy virus.

Jason: Hey y/n be ready we will be by soon to pick you up :)

You couldn't help the smile that appeared on your face. You knew the park wasn't that far, but the boys wouldn't allow you you walk there on your own. The fact that Jason had been the one to text you also caused butterflies because of the crush you had on him.

After you got ready wearing your favorite hoodie to battle the cold air the boys showed up on your doorstep as promised and you all started walking to the park. You naturally stuck close to Chan because he was the closest to your age. Even though he was only a few months younger than you he loved to have you baby him.

You kept pushing and shoving each other off the sidewalk, snuggling, and joking around. What you didn't notice was a sulking Jason that kept trying to sneak closer to you only for you to be shoved away by Chan once again.

By the time you made it to the park it was already getting dark the only light coming from the lamps and the moon. Chan ran ahead excitedly bumping into Jun and Wow causing them to chase after him.

Donghun laughed at the scene before him before yelling at them to be careful. Everyone had gone ahead leaving you and Jason strolling casually down the path.

You looked at him smiling, but he just turned to look at the boys ahead. You wondered why he seemed different and went to question him when something caught your eye.

Screaming you jumped towards Jason holding onto his arm for dear life. He looked just as afraid because of your freak out and gently tried shaking you off.

"Hey y/n what's wrong you were all smiles earlier with Chan?"

You wanted to reply but saw yet another thing scurry across the floor pulling Jason closer digging your fingernails into his arm.

Jason looked down where you had and saw the beetles that were crawling along the ground. He looked at you buried into his side holding on for dear life and chuckled quietly.
[Bruh when I tell you I don't mess with most bugs this is me]

Chan had also noticed the scene and ran back over to check it out. When he saw the fear on your face and your death grip on Jason he laughed thinking your fear of the bugs was hilarious.

"Ya y/n it isn't that scary! What's wrong we should be at the swings by now hurry!" He bounced around excitedly causing more of the large bugs to move and the chain reaction made you scream again.

"Leave y/n alone Chan!" Jason reached for the youngest memeber but he escaped back to the memebers that were looking on.

When it was just the two of you he gently tried to dislodge your fear stricken body. "Y/n come on it'll be ok we gotta go though the others are waiting." The only response he received though was a whimper from you and the grip on his arm staying as tight as possible.

Realizing you weren't going to let go he decided to switch his method up. He turned towards you and lowered himself till your eyes were at the same level.

"Y/n you have two options you can get on my back or I'll have to just pick you up bridal style." Your eyes widened at his words and you quickly shook your head.

"No this is ok, I'm ok, I just- I'll just stay here ok?"

Jason rolled his eyes, "All right then here we go!" He moved to swoop you up but you moved out of the way.

"Wait, wait, wait! I'd prefer the piggy back ride Im just worried...won't I be kind of heavy? I don't want to be a burden..." You trailed off looking away but keeping your grip on him steady.

He didn't respond just getting lower and helping you on his back. You climbed on using your hood to block most of your vision from seeing the devil spawn crawling all around you. You buried your face into Jason's neck getting comfortable while he carried you. He felt your face press up against his neck and he hoped you couldn't tell his face had turned bright red.

"You know I think this proves I'm so much better at protecting you. Chan is still too immature, but I'll take care of you. You're never a burden, and you never will be."

You smiled into his neck snuggling as close as you could into him. "Since when did you compare yourself to other members?"

He stopped just short of the boys and you looked up surprised. "I don't compare myself to the others. I'm me and I like me I just want you to like me too."

He continued on towards the boys hoping he wouldn't have to hear how you felt about his confession. You moved towards his ear before whispering, "Thank you, I'm glad I have you here for me. I'll always like my Jason the best."

That night you both confessed beneath the stars, and of course you got teased by the others as well.

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