Fainting Spell-Chan ft. A.C.E

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A/n: So I have a friend who's anemic and if she doesn't properly eat (like even missing one meal) she can have fainting spells. This is kind of based off of something like that.

Chan had been begging Beat Interactive to let you sit in on one of their dance practices. They were well aware of the relationship between you two and worried it would become a problem. After a lot of convincing, begging, and promising on Chan's part they finally agreed.

You woke up on the day you were supposed to visit and stared at the ceiling contemplating how important waking up really was. Thinking only a couple seconds passed you jumped in surprise hearing your back up alarm go off. Shit. You hopped out of bed and got dressed in comfortable clothes knowing the boys wouldn't care since they would also be dressed for practice. Running around you grabbed everything before locking up and running towards their studio.

When you got there an employee showed you where the boys had already began to warm up. You felt nervous walking in since this was new territory, and you knew if you caused any issues the company might not allow you back or worse, they may ask you and Chan to end the relationship.

Chan saw you enter and quickly waved to you before continuing to stretch. You sat on a couch near the back and watched them start with Cactus. Seeing Chan in action never failed to make your heart race. He just seemed so in his element. How can someone be so hot and adorable all at the same time?

After about 2 hours of watching them dance around you started feeling a little sick. You realized that in your haste to not be late you ran out of your house without eating any breakfast. A very bad idea on your part. Not wanting to cause a scene and risk losing out on the time you got with Chan you tried getting comfortable and ignored the sickening feeling you had.

"Y/n are you ok? You seem a little pale?" Chan sat next to you taking a sip from his water looking closely at you.

"Yea you're actually being quiet over there!" Donghun laughed at his comment while Jun snickered beside him. Chan shot them a look sticking his tongue out before looking back at you with that same worry still in his eyes.

"Sorry I'm okay I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night!" Chan's smile that he normally has returned as he accepted your reasoning. You were still trying to pretend as though you weren't slowly getting more and more sick. Not even another hour passed before you silently slipped out of the room and stopped to ask a passing employee where the restrooms were.

After cautiously making your way there you spent longer than you thought getting sick and trying to calm yourself down. To your horror when you left the bathroom you found Chan waiting in the hall the smile he had before completely wiped from his face.

"Y/n why would you just disappear like that the rest of the group is panicking we had to ask around before we found out where you went!!" Chan was out of breath from his rambling before he finally stopped to really look at you. "Y/n are you sure you're ok? You...dont look ok...I mean you always look good, but you don't look healthy and...."

Before he could finish his sentence everything went black and the last thing you felt was your body colliding with his.

Chan POV
I instinctively wrapped my arms around y/n's body once I felt her limp body against mine.

"Y/n....y/n?" I didn't know why I was whispering, but it felt like the best choice at the moment. I lowered my body and gently laid her down. It looked like she was taking a nap on the floor. It was then that Seyoon decided the come around the corner with Donghun. "Hyung help something is wrong with y/n she just kind of passed out and I don't know what to do is she ok will she be ok?" I was on the verge of tears looking back and forth between y/n and Donghun. Seyoon ran back towards the studio to bring the rest of the boys.

"Did she hit her head on anything?" Donghun tried to ask as calmly as possible to keep the youngest from having a full blown melt down. Before I had a chance to reply the rest of A.C.E came running back. Having all five boys in such a small area made the hallway much louder.

Pov Switch
You opened your eyes slowly blinking and trying to look around. The noise that was muffled at first started coming back louder and louder. Donghun noticed your open eyes and knelt down to give you the water bottle Jun brought back with him.

"Y/n are you alright? What happened I can send someone for a doctor!" Chan helped you sit up and you leaned into him. After taking a second to drink and breath you looked sheepishly at the boy beside you.

"You're all being so loud I'm alright I promise if anything I'm more embarrassed by the whole situation." You snuggled into Chan and took another sip of water. "I don't need a doctor it was my own fault I missed breakfast and it caused such a mess I'm sorry."

The boys seemed confused so between korean and a little broken English on Jason's part you managed to explain that not eating takes more of a toll on you than the average person. "I really tried keeping it a secret because I was scared it would cause unnecessary problems and the company would really hate me."

Jun stepped forward and gave you a flick on your forehead causing a slight outburst from Chan. "Y/n we were all so worried about you next time let us know!!" The rest of the boys agreed with their leader.

Chan picked you up bridal style even though you struggled and tried your best to escape his grip. You all went back to the practice room where Chan made sure to lovingly scold you and Donghun ordered food for everyone. Thankfully no one noticed the brief absence and you were allowed to visit again.

A/n: Shitty ending I cry

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