The Best- Jun

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You were currently busy watching B.A.P's comeback on your laptop fangirling over Youngjae. His vocals and the concept he was following in this music video were too much for your heart. When the video ended you hit the replay button for probably the hundreth time since the video had been released.

This will be the last time inreply this. Jun is coming over soon.

I managed to get off early to try and spend more time with y/n. I wanted to surprise her since I've been fairly busy with my schedules.
[A/n: I just watched the units eliminations and cried like a baby always hoping and wishing our boys make it]

I made it to her apartment and snuck in using the key she had given me. However, when I got inside I was surprised to not find her in her normal spot on the couch. My surprise was short lived when I heard music coming from her bedroom.

I peeked in and saw her at her desk looking dreamily at the screen. Snickering I snuck up behind her to try and scare her, but when I saw what was holding all her attention I forgot all about my plan.

POV switch again because fite me
"Yaaaaaaah y/n are you fangirling over Youngjae again?!" The sound of your boyfriend's pouting voice caused you to jump out of your chair.

"JESUS JUN! You scared the crap out of me I think my heart stopped..." you checked the time on your laptop, "You're early."

Jun didn't answer instead he continued to stand there staring at the video on your screen with a pouty expression. He walked over and closed the app with the video playing showing the photo you had of the two of you as your wallpaper.

"Y/n be honest who's your favorite group?" You stared blankly and moved to sit more comfortably on the bed in front of him.

"Junnie you know B.A.P has had a special place in my heart since day one." His pouting only worsened causing the frown on his face to deepen; replacing the smirk that he usually has. Seeing your normally cocky boyfriend like this made you fall even more in love with the cutie in front of you.

You ended up giggling at the thought and he stomped over to you dramatically. "Y/nnnn this isn't funny! What about me? What about A.C.E?" Before he could continue ranting you reached up and covered his mouth with your hands smiling up at him.

"B.A.P will always have a special place in my heart, but A.C.E has definitely replaced them as my favorite. How can't they when they are THE BEST!" You made sure to emphasize the last part to make sure he understood.

When you removed your hands from his mouth you saw that famous smirk of his and his eyes lit up. Before you had a chance to say anything he tackled you onto the bed landing on top of you and snuggling his face into your neck.

"We will grow even better I swear y/n the boys and I will fight to the top!" He wrapped his arms around you and readjusted himself so that he could pull you into his chest. By this time you were smiling uncontrollably and whispered, "I'll stay by your side Jun and A.C.E will always be the best!"

Jun' s face started turning red from your compliment, and he loved the feeling it caused in his heart. "For now y/n just lay with me for a second okay?" You nodded your head and got comfortable. "The best" he kept repeating these words in his head before falling asleep with you in his arms.

A/n: Honestly I can't tell if this is relatable or if I should leave sort of "fill in the blanks" but for now I like it.

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