Kim Seyoon - Dance practice

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Dating an idol was not easy especially when you were the type of person that loved to have their significant other's attention as often as possible. When you first started dating Seyoon it was one of the hardest adjustments you had to make. Knowing he was just right down the street but that you may only see him once this month if a last-minute change in his group's schedule didn't prevent it. You tried your hardest to keep this from beating you down hoping that the love you felt for this dork would be enough, but some days were easier than others.

Seyoon knows that the lack of time he got with you sometimes added up to a weight that was almost too much to bear. It killed him just as much as it did you especially on days, I planned to be yours where instead he was distractedly stumbling through the choreography they were trying to learn. The times where he would get so frustrated to the point of tears trying to hurriedly finish whatever it was he was working on to call you and meet up for a simple meal only to find you already asleep, or busy with your own plans.

So after many months of this dragging both of you down he began begging his company swearing it would only benefit him and the boys (you liked to provide healthy meals whenever you could) and proving that your relationship wasn't a distraction they finally gave in and allowed you to sit in on dance practices.

After today's practice the other members moved on to other schedules that they had, but he stayed behind wanting to nail some choreo he was trying to create and of course knowing you would stay longer was a bonus. He started the music ignoring the sweat causing his shirt to stick to him and his bangs plastered to his forehead. His full focus watching himself move across the floor in the mirror trying to piece together something he could show the fans in a new video he wanted to create.

You watched all this from afar sitting behind him with your back against the wall next to his water. As you watched you realized that his ability to go from fluid movements to ones that burst with power always amazed you and no matter how many of these you sat through. You couldn't help the proud feeling that burst in your chest as you lovingly continued to watch this personal performance. When the song came to an end and he fell to his knees ending his dance you felt a smile spread across your face as you clapped quietly.

Seyoon was almost too focused to hear the applause behind him. Almost The feeling of love that made his heart explode when he turned around and saw you happily clapping for him looking so incredibly beautiful made him turn giddy. He got up from his place and ran across the room engulfing you in the biggest sweatiest hug that caused you to squeal from surprise, happiness, and a little fear of how you'll end up smelling.

"Seyoon! At least wipe yourself off first!" You tried to sound stern but knew he could feel you smiling against him.

"Do not!" Stubbornly he squeezed harder leaning forward till he had tackled you to the ground. You laid there wrestling for a bit of course with him completely winning until he finally decided he bullied you enough and got off to take a much-needed gulp of water. You glared at him for real this time knowing you probably smelled like a sweaty guy and had made plans to get dinner after this.
"Hey dance with me." You had to blink away your surprise at his suggestion.

"No way you know I can't dance and now you're in trouble for being a brat." You stuck your tongue out at him as he grabbed his chest and dramatically rolled over making sure you know just how much you truly broke his heart.

"Come on y / n!" He popped up and started to play a playlist of trendy songs he knew you loved to dance around the apartment to. You couldn't resist getting off your butt and doing the most basic silly moves knowing he wouldn't judge you as he twirled around being even more extra than you were. The two of you so lost in the moment laughing dancing finally having the true you time that both of you missed.

He couldn't resist wrapping his arms around your waist lifting you in the air spinning around. You absolutely hated when people picked you up but here in his strong embrace feeling the joy and love in the air you couldn't help the giggle that left your lips felt light as a feather. Slowly he set you down arms still around your waist your crazy dance turning into the most basic slow dance his forehead against yours.

"Y / n I love you so much. I know I can't always be by your side, but I promise you the world. I promise to always treat you with love. Stay with me." By the end of this your slow dance had stopped completely and the music silenced.

"Of course, you idiot don't think you're getting rid of me anytime soon." You leaned forward trying to get a quick sneaky kiss in case any staff decided to walk in but jolted back when you heard a squeal come from right outside the practice room.

"Oh my god Chan shut up that was the cutest thing I've ever seen!" You and Seyoon couldn't help but burst into laughter not mad about your moment being interrupted by the sound of Byeongkwan scolding the youngest member. 

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