The Breaking Point- Your Choice

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[A/n: Starting my comeback with a new type of story for y'all if I end up liking it I'll write some more your choice stories in the future also am I evil if my newest part is a sad one?]

How did you always seem to find yourself staring at that damn clock that was hanging on the wall? But he's late. He always seemed to be late nowadays that is if he managed to make it at all. You forced yourself to look away from the clock and instead found something else to mindlessly stare at. That seemed to be the norm for you now that you had ran out of patience. Run out of reasons you could use to justify his growing distance. Where is he? And when the hell did I start looking at this clock again? 

Once again you let your eyes and mind wander. They landed on the photo that was sitting across from you. You and [y/c] were smiling back at you; what once was reminded you of your love for each other seemed to be mocking you. That trip to Busan seemed like it had happened  ages ago. He had his arms wrapped around you and you both smiled at the camera without any care in the world. At the time another member had taken them joking about how the beaches setting reminded him of a k-drama.

You had long forgotten about the photo even though at one point it had been apart of some of your fondest memories. How did they slip from your mind? How could you forget what seemed like the most magical time of your life? Something you never wanted to lose yet now you couldn't remember the last time you looked fondly on them and felt those butterflies. Out of an old and dying instinct you reach out and grab the frame. Seeing his smile again for the first time in months you had to let it out. You knew you had to accept the way things had to be between you.

Locking the door behind you seemed impossible with the way your hands had begun to shake. When you exited the apartment building the cold wind hit your face. The shiver that ran up your spine was uncomfortable to say the least. You turned the corner and continued walking enjoying the fresh air and distractions all around you. You realized that you had walked right to where their studio was and you feet seemed frozen to the ground. That's right. I knew once they made it it would get harder, but I'm sorry [y/c] I can't fight this battle alone anymore. 

You kept walking till you reached the park that you loved to visit on a lot of your loneliest days. Looking at the couples around you left a slightly bitter taste in your mouth. You calmed your breathing down though because you knew you had to do this. You had to, but you didn't want to. Calm. Calm.

After hitting send you knew it was time to start walking back or the weather would get too cold. You made it home safely barely glancing at the studio as you passed. Crawling into bed you shivered at the lack of heat. Crying till your eyes seemed to completely dry and fell asleep. Your phone remained off on the pillow next to your head; with the upside down photo. 

Dear [y/c] you know I normally would never do this, but I'm not sure the next time our paths will cross. The distance between us has grown far to great for me bare especially when it feels as though I've been dealing with it all on my own. I know that your career and fans will always come first. I agreed with you about that from the start. However, I'm sorry I can no longer stand off to the side. I'm sure practice is just running later than expected and that's why you were late again. Trust me I understand and hold no anger towards you or your dream. I'll keep rooting for you an the rest of the boys as your #1 fan forever. I love you [y/c]. Goodbye.

[A/n: Not sure if I like this style of writing, but I really wanted to try it. I also thought about making second part from the boys pov? Anyway my first story back guys!]

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