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"Wake up. Y/N, we have to go." You woke up to your shoulder being shaken a bit roughly. "H-hhhhuhh?..."
"Escape Y/N! Dolohov will be here any minute if we don't get this started!" Neville began rushing you and you jumped up, looking into his eyes with determined and trusting look. You nodded your head and he grabbed your arm, tugging you up the stairs.
"Morning, Longbottom" the rough voice of Dolohov spat out with a gruff voice. "What're you doing dragging that thing around?" He said, pointing at you with a grubby finger. "Ah she's gotta learn a lesson, she's not been behaving." He yelled, pain surging through your body like powerful electric zaps leading from your fingers to your toes, crumbling yourself up on the floor. "What's happened, Longbottom? I'll help you." Neville looked nervous, and said,
"Go get the others, eh? The other new recruits could use some practice."
"Good thinking, mabye you Hogwarts students aren't as stupid as we thought..." he began to walk away, and once he was up the stairs, you and Neville both ran like the wind.
You still hurt more than ever from the curse, but pure determination and fear pushed you. You got out the door, and saw a flash of green light narrowly miss Neville. You sped up even more, but got hit by stupefy. You skidded across the ground, getting gravel dug into your skin. Neville grabbed you like an eagle and all you saw was shadow. You could hear the pained screaming of Neville, who could barely control the mass you were moving in. It felt like hours of the shadow and endless screaming, but finally you got thrown to the grounds of hogwarts. Neville was nowhere to be seen, and you ran inside to find McGonagall. She was all who could help you.
You saw more shadowy masses moving across the sky from the windows of the castle, and they began landing.

The Pretender (Neville Longbottom x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant