Interlacing Lives

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"Hello class. Today, we have a new student joining us." The teacher beamed her usual disgusting smile. Suddenly, the room is filled with hushed chatter and voices. New student? "Please enter, Ms. Voethia."

I look up from my book, to look at the new kid, only to be blinded by the most annoying shade of orange. Who the hell even has orange hair?!

"Hello," she stammered. "I'm Zero Cato Voethia and I come from Athens, Greece and I'm.." She continued to talk about herself, which I don't care about.

I look back down on my book after the quick glance of the ginger girl who had nearly blinded me with her hair. She continued to talk, I continued to read.

"Everyone, please treat Ms. Voethia as kind as you can. This is only her first day, afterall." The teacher gave the kid the most disgusting smile she could muster.

Ginger-girl cleared her throat awkwardly "Uh, miss."


"I'm actually a guy."

The whole room was shocked to silence, even I was forced to put down my book and stare at her- him. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, the room just exploded.

"What?!" Nearly then entire class reacted while I silently sat there, having been fooled by "ginger girl's" looks.

The teacher started to frantically apologise to him, embarrassed at her careless mistake.

"I-I get that a lot actually, haha.." He grimanced. The class was drowning in murmurs and whispers.

"Am I gay?"

"He looked like a girl!"

"No way."

"I think I'm gay."

"Duuude, I thought I had a chance!"

"Pft, in your dreams!"

"I'm probably gay."

Most of the conversations were boys talking about how they could be gay for him, or how they thought he looked like a girl; which was true.

"Calm down class!" The teacher stammered, clearly not following her own instruction.

"Why don't you take a seat, Ms- errr Mr. Voethia?" She eyed the classroom for any available seats.

Unfortunately, I wasn't very lucky enough to have full seats around me; the teacher saw the free seat next to me.

Oh fück.

She took the opportunity and spoke out,"There's an empty seat next to Mr. Xavier. Why don't you sit down?"

I immediately looked back down to my book, in hopes of not being noticed; but, I guess my looks made it hard to go unnoticed in this situation.

"Who's Mr. Xavier?" Ginger girl boy asked our teacher.

The whole class looked at me.


He followed where everyone's eyes were looking and at and looked at me as well. "Oh. The guy with the purple hair?" He pointed at me, his incredibly flashy orange hair still attacking my eyes.

"That would be correct." The teacher nodded, still flustered in embarrassment.

He walked to the chair and sat down. Why next to me? Damít natural occurrences!

》D I S C O N T I N U E D《   Wilted FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now