Snowed In Pt 3

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How we ended up in bed together, don't ask me. I will do everything in my power to stop anyone else finding out about it though, even if Will screams it from the top of the Zeus cabin.

So, i woke up to freaking sunlight burning my very soul from my chest and turned. To wind in my face. Except it wasn't wind. It was Will, breathing steadily in and out as he lay quietly asleep by me.

i sighed, heavily, and gazed at him.

I gazed at him until he woke up; his eyes pretty much flew open and i was so off guard i actually fell out of bed.

Will burst into a huge fit of laughter and soon enough, i was laughing along with him. I wasn't even in pain anymore. Will's laugh was delighting. It made me feel belonged and safe. 

Still laughing, i got up and tried to sum up what in Hades was wrong with the weather.

'So' i began, gazing at Will, 'why has it suddenly decided to shine the hell out of my cabin today? After yesterday? i swear, if i go to that window and the ground is flooded with melted snow, i will actually attempt to kill the Wine Dude.'

Will let out a giggle, a stupid adorable kiddie sound that, not gonna lie, made me cringe away slightly.

'No, you're not Neeks, come on let's have a look' Will swung his legs out the other side of the bed (thank the gods he was wearing his jeans from yesterday) and walked over to the door.

I made a small sound of protest before he turned and winked at me, and threw open my cabin door.

I tensed up and waited for the sound of muddy water coming onto my lovely floor but...i only heard Will's footsteps fade quickly to the outdoors as he yelled aloud to other campers when they came to greet him.

I stared in surprise, with that much snow, surely there would be sludge, right? 

Apparently not, i thought as Percy tripped over the threshold upon bounding into my cabin.

I quickly resolved myself and huffed, 'what??'

Percy grinned, 'sooo, did you, like, admit to your crushes on each other and have pillow fights and a midnight feast?'

OKAY TELL ME HOW I DID THIS IS CRINGE... Any improvements? Any feedback? ANY COMMENTS, PERHAPS?? xD no okay bya!!

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