Chapter 2; Harry

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Madilyn's POV;

The next morning I woke up on time, yet I was a little early. I got dressed in the same outfit as yesterday and again grabbed my shoes, socks and book bag.

I walked down stairs to see that Hazel wasn't down yet. Oh hell yes. I walked around the kitchen gathering the ingredients to make myself a nice fresh ingredient omelet. My favorite delicacy.

When I has finally put the finishing touches on my little concoction, I swayed towards the kitchen table to eat it. I then saw Hazel looking at me wide eyed in amazement.

"How are you up and down here earlier then me? I'm always early" she said with a shocked expression on her face.

"Oh I just set my clock earlier. Isn't it exciting!" I perked up excitedly clapping my hands.

Hazel just stood there with her mouth open agape.

"You better close your mouth, your attracting flies."

She mumbled a "thanks " before making herself a bowl of cereal.

Once we were both done with our meals we gathered our things and headed out the door after saying goodbye to mom.

We again drove to school in silence. When we got to school we both got out and walked up the steps. But once we got into the halls Hazel disappeared.

I then noticed Christy making out with a guy that had a dark brown hair and looked to be really handsome. Someone yelled at them,

"Get a room you two!" and wondered off laughing.

They both pulled away and stared at me.

"Do you know who did that?" she asked, I shook my head no.

"Zayn, go find Harry and go to gym, I'm going to talk to Madilyn? Right,"

"Yeah, I'm Madilyn."

"Oh yay! I remembered you!"

We both walked down the hall talking and finally ended up at my homeroom.

"I'm inviting you to sit at the middle table today in lunch, care for the offer?"

She asked and smiled.

"Why of course Christy, it would be my pleasure." I said in a British accent and bowed down to her. We giggled and she walked to her class.

I made my way to where I sat yesterday and smiled at Selenne.

"Hey, guess who invited me to Harry's big party on Friday?!"

"Omfg who?!"

"Louis Tomlinson! Omg he's like the hottest guy in school, besides Harry of course, who invited you!"

I blushed and nodded.

"Yea, and Christy invited me to sit at lunch with them today, I think she's totally faking it but who cares right?! I'm still going to Harry's party on Friday!"

The bell rang and everyone took there seats.

Harry's POV;

Christy walked into the classroom and took the seat in front of me.

"Did you ask her?" I asked,

"Who?" she replied not even turning around.


"To do what?" This bitch,

"To eat lunch with us?!"

"Oh yeah, the little freshmen bitch said yes."

"Thank you that's all I wanted to know jeez." I mumbled,

"Good morning class" and the day had begun.

Madilyn's POV;

I needed to get out of English Class and use the restroom fast. If a girls gotta pee, a girls gotta pee.

After Mr. Barnes was done teaching I went up to his desk and asked.

"Mr. Barnes?" I asked,

"Yes Miss. Grace?" he looked up at me in return.

"May I use the restroom?" I asked and smiled. My smile would get me any where.

"Yes of course. Here's a hall pass." He said and handed me one.

"Thank you!" I said running out.

I walked out of the classroom and down the hall to the bathroom.

Once I was done I walked out into the hallway to see the seniors and sophomores ready out of class.

I looked around for Hazel and found her pushed up to a locker by non other then Harry. The boy I was invited by to his party.

"Omg Madilyn! What a surprise to see you here!" Christy shrieked and ran over to me to give me a hug.

"Madilyn?!" Hazel cried,

I looked in her direction and saw Harry release her and walk towards me.

I then looked back towards Christy.

"I actually was just going back to class, if you don't mind letting me do so?" I asked and smiled.

"Haha yea sure whateves, so your still sitting with me at lunch right? Instead of sitting with your loser sister," she laughed again.

"I'm yea, well I got to get back to class see yah."

"Yeah! See yah!"

I then returned to English without a second glance at Harry.


Sorry it's not long and it sucks I'll try to update again today, two short ones to make a long one. Ilyy💕

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