When he's away

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Whenever Harry's gone you feel lost, honestly you feel like a chicken with it's head cut off. The day's just felt longer when he was away. You missed EVERYTHING about him, things you didn't even know you could miss. You miss his voice, his laugh, his stupid corny jokes, and you miss him annoying the crap out of you. Sleeping without him was one of the hardest. Not being able to cuddle him or feel his arms around you made you miss him even more. It felt like you had no one protecting you. Tossing and turning around at night Harry would always comfort you and sing to you, playing with your hair was always the trick to get you to sleep, but since he wasn't there going back to sleep was almost impossible. Even when you could sleep waking up was a nightmare. Dreaming was nice because it was the only place you could feel and touch him, but waking up to the reality that he was really gone broke your heart. Everything reminded you of him; the side of the couch he sat on, his favorite blanket he always used, the smell of him on his pillow, seeing some of his clothes still on the floor, everything. Every room had something of Harry's. You called him everyday, every chance you could get but sometimes that wasn't enough. You needed to feel him, smell him, and feel that he was really there with you, so you'd wear his shirts which smelled of his cologne. From his shirts to his hats to his jackets you didn't care you wore it all. Taking his pillow you'd cuddle up with it on the couch or in bed because it smelled like him which comforted you. These were just some of the things you did while he was away and it helped for a little while, but the only thing that would make everything better was him coming home.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me if you haven't already. I also take requests so if you have anything in mind feel free to let me know.😀

Xoxo, Nicole❤️

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