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      This is a story my 6th grade English teacher narrated to keep the class quiet. This is a non-creepy version of the legend.😜😜

                   Once upon a time, there lived a man named Jack. He lived in a small town in a valley. He was a very jolly fellow with not a care in the world. He led a happy life with his wife and two children.

          Now  Jack here, is a tinkerer, a person who goes around collecting scrap and worn out stuff to make something new, mostly toys.

          His job required him to travel a lot. He loved going to different places, meeting different people, and having many adventures on the way. He had a skip in his step and a smile on his face, spreading cheer and joy to all the people he met.

            He was honest and made just enough money to keep him and his family happy.

           In his house' front yard, was a big apple tree. It blossomed every spring, the flowers would feed beautiful butterflies and birds with its sweet nectar. The tree gave many big and luscious fruits during the fall which Jack and his family loved eating. It's leaves took on a beautiful orange shade, making the tree look heavenly.

          Every evening, after school, his kids would play on the swing Jack made for them in the tree. They would play all day around the tree, chasing after squirrels and birds. Eventually, they'd get tired and nap under it.

         When he is home, he loved watching his children play while sitting in his cosy armchair. His wife would sit by his side, knitting wool scarfs or caps with the wool she borrowed from a farm nearby.

        Though Jack had a content life, there were a few small things which annoyed him.

         Some kids of his town loved the tree too. When Jack wasn't home, they'd play on the tree. They'd climb it during spring and destroy the blossoms. They'd take the fruits and bully his kids. They also stole the soft wool his wife keeps in her bag. Jack hated the very sight of them. He'd chase them away whenever he saw them.

        He also hated having to give up his armchair whenever guests came home. He would have to sit on a stool till they left.




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