The deal

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           The devil grabbed Jack's hand and started dragging him  outside. Jack felt a sudden pang of pain and asked the devil to wait for a few minutes so that he could say his final goodbyes to the house and his wife. He told the devil to sit in his armchair and wait.

Jack wailed and hugged his wife and later fell to the floor and started kissing it. The devil rolled his eyes and fell onto the chair. He found it to be very comfy and settled in nicely.

You see.... The devil job is not exactly a bed of roses, it was very stressful. He was always very tired, though he loved dragging men to hell, especially jolly men like jack. He felt that torturing jack's jolly soul would be a different and wonderful experience and that it'd annoy God a lot.

Thinking about his time in hell with jack, he soon nodded off on the chair. When he woke, he found jack taking a nap across the hall. He felt that it'd be fun to scare him in his sleep and felt that jack would be more scared of him later on. He was very annoyed with the fact that jack was cheery, though he knew he was going to hell. 'This ought to teach him', mumbled the devil and started towards him.

He felt like he was stuck to the chair as he tried to get up. He tried a few more times to get up, but couldn't. He growled and yelled at jack and ordered him to help him out.

Jack got up with a naughty smile on his face and walked towards the devil and said " My my ....... You were such a big,  strong devil and now look at you,..... I can't believe you need my help to get off a chair". Jack and his wife started laughing.

The devil was confused and angry and shook violently, trying to get off the stupid chair. He sneered at jack,"You idiot, let me off this stupid chair right now or I'll tear you up it to a million pieces".

Jack laughed gleefully, and told the devil that he'd have to get off the chair first.

The devil yelled and screamed and screeched and in the end, gave up. He was reduced to tears and begged jack to let him go. He promised to not take jack to hell, if jack would help him off the goddamn chair.

Jack was so used to having an easy life  that he felt it'd be impossible for him to work for a living. So jack said," I'll let you off on one condition...... You have to serve me for another fourteen years...... What do you say to that my man???". The devil was desperate and angry and he didn't want to feel so weak..... that too in front of a mere mortal. After trying to get off one more time, the devil relented.

The tale of Jack o lanternWhere stories live. Discover now