How to scare a devil.....

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            Jack held on to the bag firmly, muffling the screams of the devil. Jack wanted to scare the devil, just for the fun of it.

          He trotted on his way back home, swinging the bag to and fro, making the devil sick. He yelled at jack to let him go and that he would pound on him if he didn't do so.

      Jack didn't care about what the devil was screaming and kept trotting.

     On his way, he saw a flour mill. He saw some women pounding grain. The devil was silent right now, coz he knew that his situation was hopeless.

        Rather than relief, he dreaded the moment jack stopped trotting. The devil was scared for his life and started sobbing, trying to sound as sad as possible(asap😂😂). He begged jack to let him go and that he would let him live happily forever.

       Jack wasn't willing to take the risk. He walked upto one of the women and asked them to pound on the bag to kill a rat he had caught. The woman agreed and started to pound on the bag.

The devil started howling in pain, making the woman jolt. She yelled," What the devil have you got in there!?"

Jack smiled and told her to keep pounding. She did and soon the devil didn't even have the energy to howl anymore.

Jack made her stop and left with the bag. When he got out, he made the devil promise him a happy life, and then let him out. The devil ran away with his life and made sure he wouldn't ever cross paths with jack again.

     Jack lived gladly for the rest of his life. He grew older and passed away.

Jack's soul reached the doors of heaven and knocked. Suddenly there was a blinding light, which came with a booming thunderous voice.

Jack: "Are you God...... Would you mind letting me in.....", Said jack, in his usual merry self.

Voice: " You have no place here in heaven..... Go and be with the one you depended on all your life......".

        Jack didn't have much of an argument coz he couldn't wait to meet his old pal, the devil, who helped him his whole life.

Jack made his way to hell and shouted from outside the gate

" Guess who's here to meet ya buddy.....
It's me... Jack..... And just like you wanted, I'm here to spend all of eternity with you.... Let me in....."

Devil: "Oh no!!!!! Please God, I know I annoy you a lot..... But please...... Don't give him to me", prayed the devil for the first time.....

He told Jack that he didn't want to see him anymore and begged jack to leave hell alone.

Jack:" Oh well....... Guess I'm going back to earth...... And buddy, if you ever change your mind, I'd love to be with you".

Saying so he started on his way to earth...

And since then, jack has been roaming the earth.....
And he's usually seen carrying a pumpkin with a face carved on it, with a flame inside lighting his way......

He still roams the earth, hoping for his old pal to call him back,
         with a skip in his step, a smile on his face and a song on his lips........

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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