Encounter with the Devil

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Jack lived as happy as he could be for a couple of years. One particular year, Jack met with an accident which left him paralysed, waist down. He couldn't work anymore and became very poor. To make matters worse, a famine broke out in the country.

His family starved and were very sad all the time. They prayed to God for deliverance. His children didn't even have the energy to talk anymore.

Jack couldn't bear to see his kids suffer like this and felt that God didn't care about them anymore and prayed to the Devil, saying that he would give anything to save his children.

At that moment there was a knock at his door. Jack opened the door and saw a shady looking man in a robe.

Jack: (In a feeble voice) Who are you...?

Shady man: (deep throaty voice) My my dear Jack, look at you,... Once you were such a jolly young man, Now just look at you...... I cannot bear to see you like this... Now, now, Don't you worry,......Thanks to me, you and your family are going to be just fine. Promise me your soul and your family will be happy for the rest of their time.

Jack: what the hell are you talking about!!!!!?

Shady guy: Ah... Hell, such a wonderful place...... How would you like to spend all of eternity there with me, huh jack.....

Jack: huh?? What is your problem man!! Don't you have anything better to do.?

Shady guy: My dear Jack. Your problems are mine. And I'm here to help you with them. You prayed to me remember, The Devil.....and unlike God, I listened to your prayers and was kind enough to answer you. Is this how you treat someone who wants to help you.....

Jack: Are you really going to help us...?

Devil: Well, of course, I am my dear...... It is my solemn duty to help men in trouble.
All you need to do is
You can live with your family happily for the next fourteen years. You will be given anything and everything you desire at a snap of your fingers.

And I will be here, at the end of fourteen years to take you with to the wonderful depths of hell

Jack saw his children's sad and weak faces and said
"I promise to sacrifice my soul if you keep your promise".

The Devil flicked his fingers and almost immediately delicious food appeared before Jack and his family.
They ate to their heart's content and slept peacefully for the first time in a long time.

When they woke up, they found themselves in a beautiful house, dressed in glamorous clothes. They were happier than they ever were and lived gladly every day.

The tale of Jack o lanternWhere stories live. Discover now