I Hate Tori: Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: So, I don't own Victorious and I used some dialogue and scenes from "Cat's New Boyfriend" and Jade Dumps Beck"


I thought being Jade would be hard. It's not. Okay, getting the piercings was no fun, but I've been assured that the holes will close up once I take the rings out.

Other than that, I've actually been having a bit of fun. Being Jade is a very liberating experience. I can say brutally honest things without worrying about hurting people's feelings. People like my sister, Trina. She woke me up this morning while she was doing "voice warm ups." Oh. My. God. Trust me, it's the most awful sound imaginable; and I got to tell her so this morning because the real Jade wouldn't hesitate to. Then I went back to sleep.

That's another good thing about being Jade. I got to sleep in late. In fact, I'm just now getting to school. And it's nearly lunch time!!

The hallways are empty; meaning I'm late for my next class, but I take my time. One: I'm Jade. Two: Next class is Sikowitz. He'll probably come in later than me anyway. He was late yesterday; and according to Jade's notes he's late more often than he is not.

Once I'm at the door, I take a deep breath, realizing that being Jade has only been so easy because my only audience has been my family so far; and they don't know Jade. It's not like they could've given me any honest feedback as to whether or not I'd actually been acting like the real Jade. They could only tell that I wasn't me. I mean, blue contacts, pierced eyebrow, pierced nose, drawn on tattoo, black boots, black jeans, black top, black nails, and blue streaks in my hair....That's not me at all. So to them, I did an excellent job being Jade. So excellent that my mom had to remind my freaked out father that I don't go to Sherwood High anymore. I go to a performing arts school, a school that teaches young adults how to be a star; and that underneath my "costume" I was still his little girl.

I was touched by the speech. I really was. It was one of those family moments when I'm like "Aww, thanks Mom," and then my dad agrees and gives me a hug; but this morning when my dad wanted to hug me, I rolled my eyes and held my hand out.

He stopped just before his arms encircled me and frowned at me. "What?" He asked. My poor Papi was so confused.

So I un-confused him. "Gimme money for the cab." I commanded.

He blinked at me, his arms still poised as if he was about to hug me.

I stared at him until he got the hint and dropped the arms. Then he sighed and said, "Why don't you just let Trina take you?"

"NO!" I screamed so loud he jumped back away from me. I was worried about hurting his feelings when I did that, but then he laughed and said, "Dang, girl."

I glared at him, leaving my empty hand out for him to fill. And he did it! He gave me two twenties. Way more than I needed. Then he said, "Have a nice day at school, Jade."

"Whatever," I replied as nastily as I could, but I was extremely happy that he understood...

But, what if my classmates don't understand? What if I do so bad at being Jade everyone starts to think I got in by mistake? What if I did get in by mistake? What if-

Stop, Tori. Just stop it. I chide myself. I can do this. Yesterday during group improv Sikowitz told me that if I'm going to play a dog, I need to be a dog. He didn't say that if I'm going to play a dog, I should act like a dog.

I take a deep breath and apply that same concept to this exercise. If I'm going to play Jade, I need to be Jade.

Jade belongs at Hollywood Arts, and Jade doesn't care about what others think of her.

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